that time of the month // part 1

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continue of brother series //

You were out at a club, which your old friend had rented out. You don't know anyone there that well and probably won't talk to anyone.

This club is packed and full of drunks and sl*ts. You were dancing around when... It happens. You get your period. "Be right back." You smile to a guy who was obviously flirting with you, but as soon as you turn away, your face becomes worried and you shuffle off to the bathrooms.

Surprisingly, there was only one girl who was almost finished washing her hands in the bathroom. You get into a stall to check. You close your eyes and hold your head. It's all over your underwear and your dress. Quickly, you pull out your phone.

to: skippp :)
"Ayeeee can you come pick me up from club 9 down the block? pleaseeeee😳"

from: skippp :)
"be there in a minute"

You sigh quietly and put your clothes back on. You don't live too far away, luckily.

A few minutes later, Daniel texts you from outside. It's too dark and loud for anyone to notice your dress. You walk quickly outside and hop in next to daniel. Your face was bright red, and he could tell. He had laid down a towel on the seat, knowing what you meant.

"Just so you know, the boys are at the house." Daniel smirks.
Beau// You and and Beau graduated in the same year, because you are extremely intelligent. You and him graduated 2 years ago and were invited to a high school reunion today.

(pretend all the boys are the same age)

Beau, James, Jai, Luke, Daniel, and you were in the car headed to the reunion. All of you were jammin out and screaming to Bruno Mars, when you get a horrible cramp.
You bent over in your seat, and Luke who was sitting next to you leans down. "what's up?" He whispers over the other boys' noise. "Nothing, nothing." You sit up slowly.
You brush it off until you all get to the dining hall.

As you step out of the car, you smooth down your white dress. The boys adjust their jackets and ties and you all smile at each other. "Let's f*** this place up." Beau smirks.
You all head inside and split up. You see one of your friends, Marissa. She's about Beaus age. She was super snobby and popular but seemed to like you.

She saw you walking over and whispered something to Katy, her friend. "Hey." You smile. She laughs and takes a sip of her wine.

You jolt slightly when Beau comes up behind you and hugs you tightly. "What the heck?" You shout. "Hey." He laughs, and you can tell something's up. He waddled you both off to the side and continued to hug you. "You can let go now." You laugh. "I don't think you want me to. You have quite a large red stain on the back of your dress." He whispers in your ear, laughing slightly.

Your face turns bright red and you mentally slap your face. You and Beau turn when Jai comes running up. "I knocked over the drink stand." Jai's face is red as well. Then, almost on cue, James, Luke, and Daniel come running up out of breath. "We broke the ice sculpture." Luke laughs loudly. "We need to go." Your eyes go wide.
you're only 13, so you haven't started your period yet. It was 6:00 in the morning on a Thursday. Your alarm clock loudly screams at you, and you slowly rise out of bed. But something's weird, you feel... Wet? You look down at your mattress. It's everywhere. Scared, you run downstairs to your mom, who's making breakfast. "Mom there's blood everywhere. I don't know what to do, and my belly hur-" you ramble. "Sweetie, sweetie. Calm down." She interrupts you, coming over and holding your hands. "Remember that video in health class?" She asks, looking you in the eye. "Oh." Your eyes widen. "Head up to my bathroom, and under my sink, there are pads. Clean up and come grab some aspirin. "But what about school?" You ask worried. "You can relax today." She smiles at you. You sigh in relief and jog upstairs. As you run past James's room, he walks out. "What happened?" He asks staring at your pajama shorts. "Shut up!" You shout and lock your parents bedroom door behind you.

Your dad is gone on a business trip, so you rush to the bathroom.

I see (your name) rush into our parents bedroom, and notice the blood stains on her legs. "What happened?" I ask, worried. "Shut up!" She shouts at me. Oh. Now I get it. I walk downstairs to mom. "Did (your name) start her period?" I ask taking a gulp from the glass of orange juice on the counter. Mom smiles and nods.

I skip down the stairs, my cramps really aren't that bad. I see James and that's when the mood swings kick in. I groan and roll my eyes and head to the couch. He laughs a little and heads to the couch as well. "Want something to eat?" He asks leaning against the archway.
You were at school and were having really bad cramps. Not to mention how b*tchy you were being.

Jai came to pick you up and right now you are sitting on the passenger side, staring out of the window.

Faintly, you hear Jai laughing under his breath. "What?" You huff. He continues to laugh slightly. "What?!" You shout. He leans to the side, still laughing. "I swear if you are thinking about pranking me I'm going to kill you. Am I being filmed?" You start pushing things around. "Hey hey hey." Jai is more serious now. "Calm down." He smiles. "What the heck, this isn't the way home." You say, furrowing your eyebrows. He stays silent.

You close your eyes for a minute, trying to relax.
Next thing you know, your at the McDonald's drive-thru.

"Chocolate ice cream?" He asks. "What the f*ck? I said I wanted to go home." You cross your arms.

"Chocolate ice cream with a cherry on top?" He raises his eyebrows. You huff and lean back.
"One chocolate ice cream with a cherry please." Jai leans out of the car slightly.
Your laying sprawled out on your bed, you have extremely horrible cramps. Your dad is out with friends, like always. You could hear Beau Jai and Luke out in the lounge doing something, but you definitely weren't getting up.

You jumped slightly when your bedroom door flung open and Luke stood there holding some ice cream, and a chocolate bar. "What do you want?" You grumbled. He held up his phone, which had a calendar on it. A cycle calendar to be exact. You look up at him and he raises his eyes brows. "Beau and Jai are out in the living room, you better hurry the movie is about to start." He smiled.

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