You Catch Him In Your Clothes :)

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Daniel: You had just woken up and you headed downstairs to see your wonderful boyfriend Daniel sleeping on your couch. Your bed was really small, seeing as you had just moved in with your best friend and hadn't gotten new furniture. You shook him awake and he shot straight up onto his feet. "Daniel calm down. It's just me." You giggled. "Sorry, I was having a weird dream and you scared me." He placed his hand onto his bare chest. You couldn't take your eyes off of him, and you noticed his sweatpants had Aero written on them... In pink. "Uh Daniel. Aren't those my sweatpants?" You giggled. "Oh yeah! I changed last night because I got nasty pizza grease on mine after you and Sydnee went to bed." He said, not embarrassed at all. "Okay. Whatever you say." You giggled, and both of you sat back onto the couch.

Beau: You were out for dinner with an old friend of yours, her name is Kaitlin. Beau texted you midway through saying he forgot something from your place. Before you left your house, Beau said he went out to make a DareSundays video with the boys.

You came home and went upstairs to see if Beau was still here. Silently you crept up the stairs and quietly opened your door. You couldn't contain your laughter when you saw Beau wearing a pair of your sweatpants, your old gymnastics t-shirt that looked like a crop top on him, and was about to put on your janoskians sweatshirt. He turned quickly to face you and his face was bright red. "Care to explain?" You asked, still laughing quietly. You started to help him take those tiny clothes off. "The DareSundays video we made was the ice water challenge and so I came back here to get my sweatshirt, after I had fried off. I couldn't find my sweatshirt... So this happened." He said as he stood only in his underwear now. "I wish you would've asked me. I have an entire draw filled with boys clothes and even a few pairs of boxers because I think they're really comfy." You laughed a little more as you pulled open the white drawer. Beau groaned when you handed him a pair of sweatpants, a long sleeve tshirt, and fuzzy blue socks.

James: James is super tall compared to you, you are normally the one to wear his clothes. Except for this one time..

You and James were heading out to eat, and you noticed his black beanie. It looked really familiar. You two walked out of your hotel and were immediately surrounded by screaming girls and cameras. James stood in front of you, holding you as he led you to his car. While you were walking you heard a lot of people complimenting James hat but they all sounded sarcastic. You looked up to see on the back of "James's" beanie, it said Daddy's Little Girl in pink with a bow. He was wearing your beanie! You didn't say anything until you go to the car. "So how's my beanie?" You asked barely containing your giggles. "I didn't know you had a black one, I really like it." He said unaware of what it really said. You swiped it off his head and spun it around. His look of confusion turned into embarrassment. "Why didn't you tell me?" He laughed with you. "Because it's cute." You said kissing his cheek. He held your hand as he began pulling out of the hotel parking lot.

Luke: You just got back from work and are super tired, the first thing you do is head into the kitchen, where you surprisingly find Luke with a bunch of small dishes along the counter. "Dinner." He smiled. You smiled back and noticed the color of his shirt. He was wearing your favorite lilac plain tshirt. "Luke! You're wearing my shirt." You shouted, running and placing your hands on his chest examining the shirt. "What about it?" He giggled. "What about it! You're stretching it." You shouted and laughed. "Are you calling me fat?" He said placing his hand on his heart as if he was hurt. You laughed and hugged him, and he quickly hugged you back. Before he released you, you grabbed the back hem of the shirt, pulling it over his head and running off. Before you could run away, he adjusted and grabbed you. "Luke no!" You shouted. He pulled your shirt over your head, leaving you just in your bra. He winked and you giggled before you ran for your room for another shirt.

Jai: Today was Jai's turn to vaccum the apartment living room because you did it 3 days ago. You promised to get him McDonalds after, but he made you get it before. You drove to McDonalds and ordered two Oreo McFlurries before heading back to the house. You headed into the house, but before you said anything you stood and watched Jai dancing around while he vacuumed. It took you a second before you noticed he was wearing a pair of your pink fuzzy socks. You ran up behind him, after you set the ice cream down on the kitchen counter, and hugged him from behind. He jumped but then realized it was you and hugged you back. "I see you like my socks?" You giggled. He looked at his feet then back at you. "Yup!" He said popping the p. "They are warm and cuddly, just like you." He said kissing your nose. You giggled before wriggling away to get the ice cream.

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