How you talk while he is on tour

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Daniel: Daniel loves talking on the phone with you, he rather not FaceTime or skype because he says all he needs is the sound of your voice to be in love with you.

Beau: Beau loves to FaceTime because he says he can only really be himself when he is with you, and while he is in tour this is the closest he can get to being with you.

James: Both you and James love to surprise each other while he is gone. Whenever he gets any break he will fly back just so he can see you.

Jai: Jai and you are constantly texting while he is gone. The only short time you aren't texting is when he is performing.

Luke: You and Luke do stay in contact, but in a different way. You each take the opportunity to post embarrassing stories about the other person on twitter, hilarious pictures of the other on Instagram, and text each other about it later.

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