He Makes You Breakfast

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Daniel: You walked down stairs into the kitchen to find Daniel running around the kitchen, looking for something. You laughed and he turned to face you. "Morning." He smiled, he had a bunch of flour and other substances all over his face. You smiled back and he served you a huge breakfast consisting of pancakes, eggs, fruits, bacon, and some toast.

Beau: Your eyes peeled open once the aroma of something burning filled your nose. You ran downstairs, half naked from only wearing a T-shirt and underwear. Beau stood waving a dish tag over the toaster that now had smoke dragging out of it. You ran over and unplugged the burning toaster and held it looking at Beau giving him a 'really' look. "Want some toast?" He smiled nervously. You giggled and walked across the kitchen and pulled out a box of Lucky Charms. Beau met you at the kitchen island with two bowls, two spoons, and the milk.

James: You and James had just woken up and were sat down on the couch watching morning cartoons. "What do you want for breakfast babe?" James asked standing up. "I wanna help." You said, following him into the large kitchen. "What are we making," you asked as you watched James fiddle on his phone. "It's a surprise, now can you get me a... Huge mixing bowl?" He asked looking through the fridge. You headed to the cabinet containing the bowls, but it was too high up. You jumped, reaching for the handle a few times but James noticed and came up behind you, pulling out a huge bowl. You both giggled and he began mixing the ingredients.

Jai: You awoke to a loud banging noise coming from downstairs. You noticed Jai wasn't cuddled up next to you, so you assumed it was him and headed down the hall to the kitchen and living room. Jai stood by the dining room table, that had two plates laid out. "I made your favorite." He smiled, leading you to a chair. He held the chair out for you and you sat down, only to have him push you in. You could tell something was up, "what did you do?" You asked as he pulled his own chair in. "Uh- nothing. Why do you ask." Jai asked, obviously nervous. "You never do this, now tell me what you did." You said nibbling on a piece of bacon. "Well at first, I was only doing this because I wanted to surprise you... But while I was making all of this, I broke a plate. So... Sorry." Jai said scratching the back of his neck. You giggle and stood up, walking over to him. "Thank you." You said kissing his cheek, then sitting next to him.

Luke: You woke up when your bed shook a little, you opened your eyes to see Luke sitting on your bed, with a huge grin on his face. He held a tray that held all of your favorite fruits, and bacon, really the only breakfast foods you like. "What is this for?" You asked sitting up against the headboard. "For you. Kinda for me, but mostly for you." He said chuckling. He leaned over and was about to kiss you but you put your hands on his chest, pushing him away. He gave you a confused and hurt look but you just chuckled, "I haven't brushed my teeth yet." You said. He smiled and placed the tray between you two, and you both began devouring the delicious breakfast.

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