How He Hugs You :)

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Daniel: You are only a few inches shorter than Daniel so your hugs are pretty much perfect. You rest your head on his shoulder and he rests his on yours. His hands rest on your waist, while yours wrap around his neck, almost as if you are slow dancing.

Beau: Beau is a cheeky little thing and squeezes your bum when you two hug. You bury your head in his chest and he wraps his arms around your neck while you cling to his toned torso.

James: James is super tall compared to you so when you hug he lifts you off of the ground. Every hug is extremely heartfelt and both of you squeeze each other as if it was your last hug.

Jai: Jai is super gentle and sweet when it comes to your hugs. He holds you tightly and sometimes when your about to let go, he still holds you so you hug him once more.

Luke: Luke almost never let's go of you, if you aren't hugging his hand is around your waist and is pulling you close. There is almost never a time when you aren't touching.

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