Another Sentence Thingy :)

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Hair color:

Brown || Daniel

Black || Beau

Red/Orange || James

Other || Jai

Blonde || Luke


Birth Month:

Jan- Cheated on his test

Feb- made out with his teacher

Mar- vandalized a classroom

Apr- pulled his teachers pants down

May- stole a kids lunch money

June- got locked in the school store room

July- got detention for swinging on the lights

Aug- threw a pencil at a Jai in class

Sep- best up a jock

Oct- tied up a teacher

Nov- told an ugly teacher she looked pretty today

Dec- prank called the school receptionist


Eye Color:

Blue/ and set the school on fire

Brown/ and the whole school partied

Green/ and got expelled

Grey/ and the teacher hit him with a ruler

Other/ and made all the students laugh

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