Your a famous YouTuber and he is a fan

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Daniel: Daniel isn't on social media that much, but he is constantly checking it to see if you are online. He has a massive crush in you, but is too scared to say anything.

You love the Janoskians, they are one of your favorite other YouTube channels. You have one yourself too. You are hoping one day, to maybe collab with them and more importantly, meet Daniel.

One day, you were walking the streets of Australia, it was your first time here and you had a while unitl your show. You and your best friend/ assistant manager were walking down the streets of a little neighborhood because you were staying with your cousin in Glenroy.

You knew the Janoskians lived here and flipped out when you saw the park they film at sometimes. Your best friend agreed to let you take a few pictures there just for fun. You took a selfie on their bench and posted it on Instagram. You and your best friend were sitting on the bench, on your phone when a large amount of fans came charging around every corner. They were screaming your name and asking for autographs and some people were crying. As the crowd grew larger by the second, your manager began calling security. You noticed Daniel and Jai and Luke hiding behind a tree way behind the crowd. Your eyes caught Daniels and you both smiled.

All of a sudden, you were pulled out of the crowd by security and thrown into a van. The boys ran out from behind the tree and immediately were surrounded. "Excuse me, Nick (your security guard) can we pick up those boys as well, I think they need the help." You giggle.

A few seconds later the boys jump into your van and it takes off. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe I am meeting you guys!" You shouted trying to control your excitement. "Meet us? We are meeting you! That's far more amazing!" Daniel says with a huge grin. The entire ride to where your show was, you offered the boys back stage passes so they could hang out after your show. Daniel gave you his number and you two got really close.

Beau: You weren't that familiar with the Janoskians, but fans tell you all the time how in love Beau is with you. One day, you were doing a twit cam, answering questions. "Would you ever date Beau?" Was one of the questions you read aloud. You giggled, "uh ya! Definitely." You said. You paused and then laughed a little more. "It's funny because Beau is the one who asked the question!" You laughed. Next you winked at the camera, "message me sometime." You said before going to the next question.

Beaus POV

She is my favorite YouTuber. She is absolutely perfect. "I can't believe I asked her if she would date me!" I shouted at the rest of the boys. "I can't believe she said she would!" Luke teased. Everyone laughed, including me. "I'm gonna message her... But what should I say?" I ask getting nervous. "Invite her to the park! She's here in Melbourne tomorrow for a show!" Daniel shouts, even he is excited. All the boys loved her videos but I'm the only one who has a crush on her. "Hey! It's Beau. Wanna meet at the park in Glenroy tomorrow?" I sent the message, shakily. I almost instantly go a message back. "I would love to. :)" she sent back. I flipped out jumping around like a little girl, and the boys copied my actions.

James: You were out with your younger sister, Molly, who was 4 years old. You two were shopping at a huge mall in Melbourne. You watch the Janoskians and are constantly reminded that James from that group really likes you. You and your sister were walking out of the toy store, when a few boys ran up to you. "Hey! We love your videos on YouTube." Once you heard there obviously familiar Australian accents you knew who they were. "Oh my gosh! You're the janoskians! Right?" You ask getting excited. "You watch us?" Luke asked. "We watch you!" He finished. The tallest stood in the back, being really quiet. "Hey James." You smiled at him. "Hey" he said shyly, as the smile grew wider on his face. You all exchanged numbers and autographs, you really wanted to collab another time. You introduced your sister and they all adored her. "Hey James," you stopped him before they started to head out for a meeting. "Ya?" He asked. "My fans tell me that you like me? I hate to make this awkward but I just wanna say I like you too." You say taking your sisters hand. "We should go out sometime. I'll text you." He said before turning and walking away. You blushed like crazy and your heart was beating so fast you thought it would rip out of your chest.

Jai: You and your best friend were just starting YouTube. You were staring to get famous after you collabed with our2ndlife. You also had a huge crush on Jai from the Janoskians.

Jai's POV

"Hey Luke! Come check out these girls I found. They are hilarious!" I shouted from my room. Not only did Luke come running in, so did the rest of the boys. We all sat and admired how funny and beautiful they were. The video ended and we all sat in silence. "I have to meet her." I said still staring at the screen. "Jai has a crush!" Beau sang in a childish voice. I let out a little laugh and didn't fight back, because it was true. I have a crush on this girl.

I did more research to find out about her. I flipped out when I found out they were coming to Melbourne. Tonight! I ran out of my room and yelled for the boys. "Come on! The girls from earlier are here in L.A for a meet and greet! We have to go!" I shouted super excited. All of the boys grabbed everything they would need and we headed to wear the meet and greets were.

Your POV

I arrived at my meet and greet, I have only been to a couple before though. My best friend and I were standing in from of a huge crowd, that was held behind ropes. "This is the most we have ever had." Your friend shouted to me over all the screams. We went through about half of the line before I saw them. Jai and the boys busted through the door, they looked like they were in a hurry. They ran to the back of the line, as my eyes followed them all the way there. When Jai's eyes caught mine I felt my heart melt. Wait? He's here for my meet and greet?

Jai's POV

When we bursted through the door, she looked up. She was beautiful. She makes me get butterflies just by looking at her.

We headed to the back of the line when we caught each other's gazes. She smiled and went back to the fan in front of her.

When it came time to meet her, I was shaking. I just found out about her today and I am just now gonna meet her. How does she make me feel like this? "Oh my god! You're the Janoskians!" She shouted. A bunch of fans started screaming and flipping out but remained where they were. "You know us?" I ask smiling. "Of course, who wouldn't?" She said. We each let out a little laugh and got a few pictures. We all exchanged autographs and phone numbers too. Before we walked away, I asked for a hug. She was so cute and little. Her skin was so soft and warm. Her hair smelt like flowers. She was perfect. It felt like electricity hugging her. "Would you wanna go on a date sometime?" I asked without thinking, pulling away. "I would love too." She said smiling and began talking to the next people in line. I waved her goodbye and she did the same. I can't wait for that date.

Luke: you had been in love with the Janoskians before you became YouTube famous just like them. You had the biggest crush on Luke and wanted to meet him so badly. But little did you know, Luke felt the same way.

Today, you were going to one of their concerts and were flipping out. When you got there, you were completely by yourself. You headed to your seat up front pushing through all the Janoskianators, while a few people recognized you. Within a few seconds, you were being pulled over the railings because so many people recongnized you and freaked out. You didn't think you had this many fans, and you definitely didn't think the janoskian fans liked you too. As you were being brought back stage, people began yelling, "Luke! She loves you!" He stared at you as you went backstage. Your face turned bright red.

They brought you into the boys dressing room, seeing as you had to miss the show that you paid to see. At the end of the show, the first person to run to find you was Luke. He busted through the dressing room door. "Hey! I'm a huge fan!" He said pulling you into a hug. "Thanks. I'm a huge fan of you too." You giggled pulling out of the hug. "Do you really like me?" He asked blushing. "Uh, ya... Kinda." You said nervously looking down at your shoes.

"I like you too, I've had a crush on since I saw your first video." He said now doing the same as you. "We should hang out sometime." He said right after. "Ya... We should." You said smiling super wide.

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