finding the gender of the baby

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okay comment time!! tell me where your from, or about your siblings, or anything!! tell me about you!! I will try to respond to all comments ((:
daniel: daniel has been really hoping for a boy. he hadn't been talking about it at all until last night. you really would like a boy too, because mamas boys are so cute to you. plus daniel really wants someone to play soccer with.
you were on the table, watching your ultrasound. "where's his thing?" daniel asks. the woman laughs, but you're used to his silly questions by now. "it's a girl." you say quietly, and turn to daniel. do you think she'll play soccer with me?" daniel asks. you laugh, and nod. daniel leans over and plants a kiss on your forehead, which makes you smile wider.
beau: beau was away with his brothers to see his mom, but you didn't want to travel.
today is the day you find the gender, so you facetime beau and his family. the camera was on you, not the ultrasound screen. your eyes lit up when you saw your baby boy, and beau frantically shouted, "what is it? what is it?" "a boy." you smiled at the camera. his family cheered on the other side, and you started to cry a little. on the other side of the camera, you could see beau crying as well.
james: your babies heartbeat filled the dark quiet room. the image was still adjusting, and james squeezed your hand tightly. soon, the image of your baby girl appeared on the screen. "there she is." the doctor whispered. it stayed quiet in the room, her little heartbeat thumping away.
jai: a girl. you and jai are having a baby girl. you hadn't stopped talking about it all day, as he drove you both home. "wait. she's not gonna be one of those babies who are drenched in pink all the time is she?" jai groaned. "no! she will be 'drenched' in all colors." you laughed. jai laughed with you, and the two of you couldn't have felt more at home.
luke: you and luke hadn't stopped talking about this moment all week. you even walked around this baby store, pointing out what you wouldn't buy for either gender. luke said he wants a baby girl, because he needs an excuse to dress as a princess in public. he made you laugh, like always, the enter way to the doctors. finally, the moment arrived, and your baby boy came to focus. luke high fives you, like the child he is, but you pulled him in for a kiss.

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