your relationship gets leaked

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okay so I am going to do the advice book and it may be up by the time you guys read this. I'm gonna call it

•• ask rachael ••

lol it seems as boring but I kinda like it. SOOO PLEASE MESSAGE ME SOME PROBLEMS OR QUESTIONS THAT I CAN ANSWER AND GIVE ADVICE FOR IN THE BOOK. The first chapter will be the intro and I'll also post my problems :) ❤️❤️❤️ pleaseeee go message me.

(Will do a fans reaction preference)

Daniel: You and Daniel have been dating for at least a year now. The fans have been questioning a lot more than usual lately. They just want you to tell them already.

Daniel had just gotten back from a little trip to Australia. While the other boys were all over visiting family, you were the only one there to pick him up. You were sitting by baggage claim, when you noticed a few fans running towards you, but they were very far away.

And then suddenly, You feel Daniel wrap his arms around you. You squeal, scared a little. Before you know it, his lips are latched to yours. You slowly sink into his grasp, and then the two of you slowly let go. You quickly look back to where the fans were. At least 50 girls were standing, wide eyed.
Now they know.
Beau: The fans have no idea about you and Beau. As of now, you are known as their old best friend. Which is true, but not anymore. You and Beau started dating at least 3 months ago.

You and Beau were kind of in a heated make out session in his room. Everyone was home though, so nothing else happened.
All of a sudden, the door swings open and Jai is holding his phone. You were only in your underwear and a tshirt. You were on beaus lap, and Jai was frozen in place. "Jai get out!" You shouted, getting up and pushing him out the door. "Delete that!" You shouted through the door. It was silent for a second. "...this is live." Jai says quietly.
You and A friend were going to a janoskians meet and greet. You have a fan account and that's where you and James talk most. He is always dming you and commenting on your photos. So many fans think he has a thing for you. You became very popular in the fandom, and at the meet and greet. You were next and everyone was listening from around the curtain.
You got your picture with James and were about to go to Luke when James grabbed your arm gently. "Can I get your number, (your name)?" He smiled. You blushed and heard the whispers from around the curtain. His face went bright red too.
Jai: You and Jai have been boyfriend and girlfriend for 7 months now. The fans still don't know, and to be honest you both are scared to tell them.

You and Jai were at the jano house waiting for people to arrive for the small party. Lucy, Daniel, Luke, and Kiana were still not here yet. You to heard the doorbell ring and you both raced for the door. He grabbed your waist just as you pulled open the door. You both froze when you saw a large group of fans standing there.
Luke: You and Luke have been a couple for quite some time now. 11 months, almost a year now. The fans almost definitely knew about you two, but no one has confirmed it yet.

You and Luke were watching Bruce Almighty on his couch, when you had fallen asleep on his chest. He had fallen asleep soon after.
As you guys were sleeping, Jai snuck a cute photo that he put a black and white filter on. He posted it casually on twitter, with the caption, "cuties 💜."

When you two woke up the next morning, your phones had blown up with drama.

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