fights with boyfriend // part 2

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ayeee, you should go check out my new book ;)

he gets involved>>
(part 2 of fights with boyfriend)

Nick slowly crept towards you, and you were shocked by his words.

"I said leave me alone!" Nick screamed.

"Hey, what's going on?" Daniel shouted running outside and coming up close by your side.

"I-I um..." You began.

Daniel looked over to Nick, and saw what was going on.
"F*ck off buddy." Nick slurred.

"Excuse me?" Daniel's thick Australian accent stuck out.

"You heard me." Nick smirked.

Daniel took your hand and led you inside. He kicked the door behind you two. "Daniel-" you started. "I'm calling the police." Daniel stated cutting you off.

He pulled out his phone, and before you knew it, cops were on your porch arresting your ex-boyfriend.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked, hugging you tightly. He never hugs you this tight.
"Yeah." You sighed, hugging him back.

Matt is with someone else?
He's cheating on you?

You cried at the thought. No, cry is an understatement.
You bawled at the thought. You could barely breathe through the tears.

You needed to be with someone.
You sniffled and ran down the hall to Beaus room.

He was asleep, with his arms wide open.

You walked over quietly and snuggled up next to him.
Both of you jumped when he woke up.

"What's going on?" He asked turning to you.
You continued to cry, and when he noticed he held onto you.

"Nevermind. Just tell me what's wrong." He stroked your hair.
"Matt is with someone else." You whispered into beaus chest.

Both of you stayed silent, until you fell asleep in Beau's arms.

Your mind went blank, and so did your heart. You couldn't feel anything but the tears down your face.

I mean, it doesn't help that you're super tired, and that its a fricken middle school relationship, but this hurt.

He broke up with you. Over text.

James noticed and quickly scooted over to you. He didn't say anything, he just looked at you confused.

Neither of you said anything, all you did was fall over onto his lap. He caught you and held you.

He rocked you like a baby, shushing you quietly.
You didn't care though, it was comforting.

"James I'm not a baby." You laughed slightly.
"You're still me baby sister. Now what's wrong?" He asked quietly.
"Stupid relationships." You chuckled, sniffing up your nasty runny nose.

"Let's go somewhere." James said, standing up. He kept you in his arms, and carried you to the front door. "Like where?" You questioned.
"I want some ice cream." He continued to walk to his car.

He plopped you down onto the passenger seat and the two of you took off, leaving your phone behind.

You ran out of the mall, with your dress in a plastic case and in a bag. You were crying, but it was raining outside too.

You needed to call someone... Jai.
"Hey (your name)" he dragged out your name, playfully.
"Please pick me up outside the mall." You cried.
"Ya, um- what's wrong?" He asked quietly.
"Please hurry." You cried harder.
"O-okay. I'm on my way." He said before hanging up.

A few minutes later Jai's car pulls up and you jump in.
"What's up?" He asks right away, seeing your tear stained cheeks.

"Drive, Jai." You whisper, feeling your lip tremble.

You cried into your hands the entire way home.

He pulls into the driveway, you leave your dress in the seat, and run right into your room.

Not even a second after you shut your door, Jai knocks.
He opens the door and runs into your arms. "You know I love you right?" He asks. You nod into his chest, and can relax in your big brothers arms.
You fall apart from each other and you wipe your tears on your sleeve.
"Go get me some pizza." You smile slightly, and playfully punch his chest.
He smiles and jogs out the door.


You angrily stomped down the street back to your house.

How could she do that to you? Kiss your boyfriend?

You were so angry and sad, you couldn't help but slam the front door closed.

"Woah, (your names)'s obviously home!" Beau laughed.

"Shut up." You yelled coldy, and he immediately stopped laughing.

You stomped down the hall to your room, and slammed your door once again.

You cried as you took the pictures of you and Emma off the wall, and cried even harder when taking the pictures of Wesley down.

You started getting out of control, shouting and getting more aggressive.

You were in your own angry little war, and jumped when familiar arms wrapped around you.

Luke shushed you, and held your head to his chest. You've never cried so hard.
You continued to cry aggressively into Luke's chest as he carried you up onto your bed, where he laid down next to you.

He stroked your hair and sang "you are My Sunshine" quietly.

Slowly, you fell asleep, and your thoughts danced out of your head.

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