What clothes of his that he loves you wearing

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Daniel: He loves how you two wear each other uggs. Mostly you wearing his, because they are so big on you, and he can barely put yours on.

Beau: He likes it when you wear his sweatpants and pajama pants because they are too big on you, giving him the chance to pants you randomly around your house.

James: He loves when you wear his jackets because they are super long you. He gives you his jackets every time you guys go out just so he can see you in it.

Jai: He loves when you wear his snap backs and beanies because they always make them smell good. He adores the way you naturally smell so when you wear his hats, it leaves a part of you with him.

Luke: He loves it when you wear any of his clothes because no matter what you wear of his, you are super tiny and adorable in. He thinks it is so cute how everything swallows you up that you wear of his.

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