song lyric preferences: moodswings

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aye so I think this will be like a series kind of thing. I'll do one of these for each song, but spread them around and do normal preferences in between (:
also, remember I'm still doing personal imagines through messages! message your name, the boy, and the situation.
also, would you mind checking out my other book that's not janoskians related? It's still fictional romance though (:

but you know that I'm still your guy, even when I'm sky high on your bipolar ride

you aren't really a moody person, but sometimes you can get a little crazy. whenever this happens, daniel is always with you. he may occasionally fight back, but he never ever leaves you alone if you're sad or mad. he just can't handle seeing you like that.

can't shake, I'll take this roller coaster love

you are generally pretty emotional, and so is beau. you can tell things may clash a lot between you two. your mainly the angry one, and beau is definitely the baby in the relationship, even if you are his baby. fighting easily stresses him out, which is usually the end of other relationships for you. but beau stays with you, and you couldn't ask for anything better.

you're so hot when you're psycho

on the outside, james is so sweet and humorous. but when you get angry at him for the littlest things, it completely peels back his outer layer. when you're going crazy yelling and shouting in james face, he can't help but grab and kiss you roughly.

don't mean to laugh when you're mad but you do this all the time

compared to jai, you're this little adorable girl but yet still completely sexy. so, you can imagine how cute you look when you're mad. jai is always doing little things to annoy you, but never goes to far. your eyebrows furrow, your lip pouts slightly, and you ball your fists at your sides. jai tries to hold back his grin, but when you get even madder he picks you up so you can't walk away.

screamin all night til the break of dawn, found a pair of my pants on the neighbors lawn

you and luke are short-tempered emotional wrecks. the small fights never stop, but occasionally the bigger fights get out of hand. you both are shouting at each other until your faces turn red, and one time -during a fight over luke making you do his laundry- you threw his clothes outside in the yard, his undies on display for everyone.
but, all fights usually end with you stomping to your bedroom, luke going and collecting his clothes, and he comes and kisses you goodnight (when you're eventually sleeping) and he takes a blanket back down to sleep on the couch.

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