He Takes Your Phone

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Daniel: Daniel changes his contact name when he takes you phone. He normally changes it to 'Sexy beast 😍😍😍'. Most of the time you will leave it but eventually you change it back to dork or something silly like that.

Beau: When Beau takes your phone he makes a keek saying how much he loves you or he pranks you. It always makes you laugh and they are all really cute.

James: James is such a sweetie, but he can get cheeky and silly at times. Normally, because of the height difference he just holds it above you so you can't reach it. You have to give him a huge kiss to get it back.

Jai: Jai will post on all of your social medias. He pretends to be you and say how much that you love him and how you think he is so sexy. You never delete them though because they all make you laugh and you agree with a lot of them. 😉

Luke: Luke takes this opportunity to take a bunch of selfies on your camera. They consist of cute ones, weird ones, and sometimes really awkward ones. You keep all of the ones that are cute and silly but delete the repeats. But you eventually get him back and post the silliest one you can find on Instagram.

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