you take a road trip

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*in the car*
Daniel: You drive, while Daniel sits next to you. He has his hand on your leg and and the other on his phone. You play the music down low and talk the entire way there.
Beau: You guys take a cab around the city, so you can show each other things as you drive by. You hold hands in the middle, and stare out your windows.
James: James drives the rv and you sit next to him, occasionally going back to check on your 5 year old and 7 year old boys. The music is loud the whole way, and James is dancing in his seat.
Jai: You drive and he sits next to you. You have your little girl and older boy in the back. Your 10 year old boy is playing a video game, and your little princess is coloring. Your holding Jai's hand and Elvis plays on the radio.
Luke: You sit next to Luke as he drives and have your feet up on the edge of the dashboard. Your baby girl is in we car seat in the back mumbling to Janoskian songs and is watching out the window. Occasionally you look over to Luke and he smiles at you.

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