you get your period at his house

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I'm including the age and relationship with the boy with it so its a little bit easier to picture ahah
(relationship/dating for a month)
you and daniel have been going on dates for at least a month now, and you still haven't met his parents. today, you and him flew out for the 4th of july and are ready to meet his parents. they took a seat in the living room, and you and daniel sat with them. you took a minute to admire the white couches and how perfect everything looked. daniel had told you a story about one time he got away with dropping a bowl of pudding on the couch, and you searched for the stain.
his mom suddenly got a call mid-conversation and left the room. soon, she called her husband and he left too. and then, something felt funny. you ignored it, but it soon happened again. you quickly stood up, and you and daniel gasped. you started to panic when you heard his moms heels clicking down the hall. out of panic, daniel grabbed the strawberries off the table and smeared them everywhere to hide the blood stain. on the couch, on you, on himself. his moms jaw dropped to the floor, but his dad laughed. it wasn't the best first impression, but it ended up winning his mom over.
(relationship/best friends)
it was early in the morning, and something woke you up. you didn't think about it, and went back to sleep. at 6 a.m you woke up again, and felt like you needed to go to the bathroom. you stood up, but let out a gasp when you saw the small stain of blood on his blanket... and his sweatpants you were wearing. you shook his arm, and explained everything to him. he helped you search the house, but only ended up finding a singe tampon. you got cleaned up, and he took you, still in pjs, to buy what you needed and took you to breakfast.
(relationship/close friends)
james invited his close friends with him to get slushies. sadly, you were the only girl. everyone got slushies and sat outside at the table, james sitting next to you.
and then... it happened. casually, you looked down to your lap, and there it was. the blood was slowly seeping into your white shorts. you set your slushie over the stain, and unfortunately james noticed. you gave him wide eyes and he nodded. while all the other boys were talking, james pretended to spill his cherry slushy on you. you gasped, but realized what he was doing. "I'm so sorry!" he shouted. the other boys laughed, but you quietly thanked james. from then on, you and james were best friends.
it was the afternoon on a wednesday night, and jai was watching netflix on the couch. you were playing on your phone, when suddenly you feel something down under. you immediately knew what it is, and jai spots it pretty quickly.
your face turns bright red, but jai stands up and kisses your forehead. you follow him upstairs where he hands you some underwear you left a while ago, and his tshirt. he sets the box of pads up on the bathroom counter for you, where you get everything taken care of. when you come back downstairs, jai has open arms ready to cuddle. you've never loved someone more.
(relationship/best friends)
luke was throwing a 4th of july party at his house, where he invited the entire freshman class. you and him stuck by each other the entire time, along with some of his other friends including jai, james, daniel, and two other boys ben and nick. you were all huddled together drinking some punch, when bens eyes go wide. you get uncomfortable when you realize where he's staring and check yourself. you screech slightly, and all of the guys notice. james hands you his flannel which you tie around your waist and they all go with you to the bathroom. luke runs to get some clothes that you had left over at his house, and the other guys step outside. you get cleaned up and go back outside where the guys are waiting for you in the hall. luke plants a kiss on your forehead, and suddenly you're thinking of him as more than a best friend.

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