What extra class you have in school together ✏️

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Daniel: You both have Physical Education. You absolutely hate most games you play in P.E but Daniel likes most of them. He always blocks the balls from hitting you in dodgeball, walks with you when you can't run any longer, and is always asking you if your okay and is constantly giving you hugs in front of everyone. Your P.E teacher absolutely loves you though because you have such good grades and are really funny so most of the time she allows Daniel to help you out.

Beau: You and Beau have the most awkward class together. Health. Your thinking, oh that's not so bad. But for this grade, we learn about the process of baby making, if you know what I mean. Ewww. Everyone in that class knows about you and Beau dating, including the teacher, so everyone always teases you. But Beau, always asks questions and pretends to be super interested in the class, which makes you laugh.

James: James and you have Forensic Science, so like crimes and detective stuff. Both you and James are super good students and are constantly asking questions and always overthink every assignment. But you love the class because the teacher always pairs you two up because she thinks you to work well together and are a super cute couple.

Jai: You and Jai said your first 'I love you' in a creative writing class back in 6th grade. So every year, after that you take that class. The teacher is known as the meanest teacher ever but absolutely adores you and Jai together. She always gives you straight A's. You and Jai always right about either each other, or about your relationships no matter what the assignment is.

Luke: Luke and you signed up for Home Ec. without even knowing you both did. But you are absolutely happy with it. The teacher is the best teacher and always let's everyone pick their own partners. You and Luke love being able to be silly yet still get good grades in that class. Every assignment is so much fun because you have each other.

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