bug in the house!

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aye so I'm thinking about doing a little q&a in the next couple preferences so comment or message me some questions you want me to answer! ❤️ also, I'm still doing the personal imagines so message me your name, the boy, and a situation!

you were lounging around in your dining room, eating some chinese food from last night. your heart almost stops when a tiny something shoots past right in front of your face. you look to the direction it flew, and spot the large moth on the wall.
you quickly jump up, calling out daniels name as you hid on the stairs. he comes jogging down the stairs, "what's wrong?!" he shouts. "there is a deadly moth on the wall." you whisper, as if it can hear you.
he stares at you, using the slow blink to show how ridiculous he thinks you are. you hit his arm, "go kill it!" you whine.
he laughs and heads to where the creature is, and soon heads back to notify you, chuckling the entire time.
you were in the kitchen, making some spaghetti for you and beau. you bend down to grab a large bowl, but the ear pounding scream causes you to drop it. the clashing of the metal forces you to cover your ears, and rush to the lounge where beaus scream came from. "what the hell beau?" you question, annoyed.
"that!" he shouts, pointing down to the small rolly-polly on the coffee table. you roll your eyes and take a tissue, and scoop up the cute little beetle.
beau clears his throat, and you leave him to his manliness.
james hates bugs. like is deathly afraid of them. so of course, when you spotted the small black beetle on your bathroom floor, you got a great idea.
the other day, james scared you while you were on the toilet, now is your time to get him back.
you take a small dixie cup and scoop up the surprisingly large bug. you rush down the stairs, quietly. james has his headphones in, and is half asleep on the couch. you slowly creep over behind the leather couch, and let the beetle crawl out of the cup onto james's chest.
you run off around the corner, and watch the beetle lurk up onto james's neck.
no words come out, nor screams. he jumps up, almost dancing. he is brushing off every inch of his body, and you watch as the beetle is thrown across the room. you laugh loudly, but when you notice james's scowl, you know you're in for something horrible.
you and jai were snuggling on the couch watching an episode of what not to wear, when a little something zooms right above you guys.
you both jump up and jai grabs your hand, "what was that?" you shout. "I don't know!" jai cries, dragging you with him up into your bedroom. you shout when you hear the light buzz zoom past your ear, and jai quickly swoops you off your feet and slams the room door shut. both of you race into the bathroom, where the two of you start to calm down. "that was a big bug." jai pants. you nod in agreement, but soon both of you howl with laughter at yourselves.
you and luke were in a heated makeout session, seeing as he just got home from new york. just as the two of you laid back, a spider fell down onto lukes back. you screamed and pushed him off of you. he sat up with a questioning look. "spider!" was all you muttered out, still freaking out. luke stood up quickly, jumping about. you ran up behind him and swooshed off the scary bug and the two of you ran to your kitchen. luke whipped out his phone and dialed beaus number, calling him over. soon, beau was over and found the spider. he continued to laugh at the two of you, and soon you began laughing a little too. but luke didn't find any of this funny at all, what he found funny was when another spider landed on beau, causing him to flip out as well.

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