How You Met

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Daniel: You and your best friend were walking, going to a park by your house when you heard 5 boys talking about their fears. "I'm scared of bees." The one on the left said. You couldn't help but shout, "I'm scared of bees too!" They all looked over at you and your friend and the one one the left gets up and walks over to you. "I'm Daniel, what's your name?" He asks. "I'm (your name)." You say slightly blushing because he was absolutely adorable. "Can I have your number?"

You gave him your number, and left with your friend. He asked you later that night if you wanted to hang out at the park with him and his friends. You guys were obviously crushing on each other so he asked you if you wanted to go out someday.

Beau: Beau and the boys were filming Annoying Sand Head Prank, and you happened to be at the beach that day. You and a few of your friends were walking by Beau, who was buried in the sand, when the boys ran over to you and told you to kiss him. You said whatever and kissed him. When you were about to walk away, he called you back over and asked you for your number. You placed it in his mouth, like a dog since he wasn't able to grab it at the moment, and walked away with your friends. Later that night he texted you, saying goodnight.

James: James and you used to be good friends when you were little but slowly drifted apart when you moved. Although, your parents stayed in touch. One day, his family invited you to come back to Australia and stay at their house.

When you stayed there for the summer, you and James became close again. Only you didn't know he had a crush on you. Later on, you were out shopping when he paid for your stuff, and complimented you on everything you tried on. When, eventually, he asked you to be his girlfriend. You obviously said yes and both became even closer than you were before.

Jai: Your best friend (YouTube star)

Invited you to a party that consisted of all Internet sensations.

While you were there, you noticed one guy (Jai) was staring at you almost the entire night. At the end of the party he normally approached you and asked if you wanted to hang out sometime. It wasn't anything special, but the date itself was.

Jai set up a picnic out in a field of flowers, and you two spent all day out there, talking, playing soccer, playing tennis and frisbee, and watched the sunset. Later that night, when the stars began to come out, He asked you to be his girlfriend and you two picked a star to represent your relationship.

Luke: You were walking by yourself to the mailbox, in sweatpants and a tshirt. You didn't look your best and hadn't gotten ready yet. When you got to the mailboxes, there was a boy who was doing the same as you. Before you turned away, he walked up to you and handed you a piece of paper. "I'm Luke, text me sometime." Was all he said before he walked away. You walked all the way home and pulled out your phone. You texted the number, "I'm (your name) :)." You instantly got a text back, "Wanna meet at the movies tonight? :)" You agreed and spent all day smiling and in a good mood.

When it came time to get ready, you dressed in your favorite outfit, did your makeup and hair before heading out. When you got there, Luke was standing out front with a bouquet of flowers. The movie you saw was 22 Jump Street, but instead of watching the movie you two whispered to each other the entire night.

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