Insecurties (idea from Therealfangurl)

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Daniel: You are really healthy, fit, athletic, and strong but for some reason, you don't look like it. Out of any one, Daniel should be the one too understand you.

Daniel invited you and the boys over to his older sisters house, where there was a pool. His sister wasn't home, but wanted Daniel to watch her house for a while.

You got there a little bit after the boys and headed to get into the pool. You had your bikini on and had A towel, you were completely ready. You were at the back door, about to open it, when you heard Daniel talking. It was sort of muffled, so you couldn't hear everything. "Ya, (your name) thinks......... She's fat..... I don't......... Love her." You could only hear a few words, the other ones you couldn't make out. But what you heard was enough. You hit the back door and turned around to walk out of the house. How could he say that, you thought he loved you. You couldn't control the amount of tears falling from your eyes. Right before you could walk out of the house Daniel grabbed your shoulder, turning you around. "Hey, what's wrong? Where are you going?" Daniel said calmly. "Daniel, I heard you call me fat and say you didn't love me. You don't have to hide it." You said looking at your shoes in shame. "You didn't hear all of what I said then. (Your name) what I said was... She thinks she's fat, but I don't, I think she is beautiful, and I love her." Daniel whispered into your shoulder, now holding you tightly. You didn't say anything, just hugged him tighter.

Beau: When you were younger, you had extremely out of place teeth. But, now you had the most perfect teeth! You were showing Beau of few of your pictures from when you were younger. In most of the pictures, you smiled with your mouth closed, when you saw one that you were smiling with your teeth, you freaked out. Beau laughed really hard and you shut the album containing the photo. Not only were you embarrassed about your teeth, but you used to get bullied about them. You got up as Beau continued laughing. Before you could walk away, Beau grabbed your wrist and pulled you onto his lap. "Stop it Beau!" You shouted, trying to stand up. "Wait? What did I do?" He asked taking a deep breath. "You were laughing at my teeth." You said playing with your fingers. "What? No! I was laughing at that kid in the back ground!" Beau said grabbing the album off the ground. He opened the album back to the picture, pointing at your cousin, showing his butt behind you. You both began laughing and then Beau randomly pulled you in for a kiss. You smiled into the kiss, then kissed him back.

James: You have always thought your hair looked funny, the only time you liked it was when it was in a messy bun. You hated the color and the style.

James invited you to go on twit cam with him and the boys that night. You hesitantly said yes, you were scared to because you hair just hated you today. You threw it into a messy bun and headed to the room they were filming in. You sat down next to Luke and Jai, and between James legs who was sitting on the couch. You freaked out when your hair tie was gently pulled off your head, and your crazy hair fell to your face. The boys started to laugh and you ripped the hair tie from James, running out of the room. You went to the bathroom and put your hair back up, when you turned around, James was in the doorway. "Why did you do that, I wanted to do it." James pouted. "It looked bad so I put it up." You stated hugging him. "I think it's beautiful any way you do it." James whispered, kissing the top of your head.

Jai: You are a very athletic girl and absolutely loved basketball. So, whenever you messed up and made a mistake, you were completely embarrassed, no matter how little it was.

It was a little game against another college, and you were dribbling the ball down the court. You were almost there when a girl rammed into you, making you trip and land on your arm. You began to cry and ran to the girls locker rooms. Your arm had gotten a nasty burn, and you were in a lot of pain. In the reflection of the mirror, you saw Jai walk in, laughing hysterically. You turned to look at him and when he saw you crying, he stopped laughing and ran to you. "Jai. Let go. I'm in pain but you were still laughing at me. That hurts." You say through each sob. "No babe! I'm not laughing at you. When I was running to come see if you were okay, I called that stupid girl a rude

Name. I would never laugh at you being hurt. Now tell me where it hurts." He said examining your arm. You smiled as he picked you up and set you on the counter. You kissed his forehead as he got a wet paper towel for your arm.

Luke: You had always been really tiny. A lot of people call you lucky but you really aren't. It can cause a lot of pain when you move around a lot, and it's embarrassing when your in college but you're still shopping in the little girls section. You used to be bullied about it a lot too.

A few days before your birthday, Luke offered to take you shopping. Of course you said yes, Because, I mean you can't say no to him! Today was the day, and he just arrived at your house. You said bye to your best friend/roomate and followed Luke to his car. He drove you all the way to forever 21 an you two hopped out. The entire time, you saw clothes that were absolutely humongous, well for you. As you and Luke were looking around, Luke picked up a skater

Skirt. He held it out in front of him and it was just your size! You started walking towards him, when he let out a laugh. You stopped where you were and your bottom lip trembled. "Luke! Don't laugh! I know it's really tiny, but you know what! It's my size." You raise your voice as you let a tear slip. "Baby, what? I'm not laughing at the size." He said turning the skirt around, there was a massive hole in the butt of the skirt. "There's a hole in it, if you still want it, we can find you another one. I think it would look beautiful on you." He said tossing the skirt over and pulling you in for a

Hug. "Oh." Was all you said before laughing. He laughed with you, before he found another skirt, same size, same pattern.

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