So touchy ;) lol

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Daniel: Daniel is always holding your hands. It's so funny though, he does it without really realizing it. He loves to play with your little fingers.

Beau: Beau is always touching your legs. Of course not when your standing or walking. But when ever you two sit by each other, he rests his hand on your knee. If your cuddling, he rests his head on your stomach and draws shapes with his finger on them.

James: James loves touching your hair. He is always running his fingers through it and sometimes smelling it. Cheeky little thing :).

Jai: Jai is always rubbing your back. You never complain though because it's so relaxing. When your sitting, standing, cuddling, anytime he can have his hands on you.

Luke: Luke loves holding your waist. It makes you feel warm and protected, while it makes Luke happy. He always has his arm around your waist and is even closer when you two are sleeping.

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