His Favorite Body Part Of Yours

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Daniel: Daniel loves your arms. He loves how they are so soft and so petite. They remind him of a little fragile doll and all he wants to do is protect, not only them, but you. He is so amazed by how little your fingers are as well.

Beau: Beau loves your stomach, you think that it is ugly but he finds it so sexy. Whenever your sick or have bad cramps, he rubs your belly for you because he knows it helps you.

James: James loves your neck, that is probably why he always plants little kisses on it. He thinks that it is cute how your neck is so skinny and small. Whenever you hug, he keeps his head in the crook of your neck and shoulder as well.

Jai: Jai loves your legs, he thinks they are absolutely perfect. They are so soft and he thinks it is so hot how they are really long.

Luke: Luke and you have a lot in common and one of those things are that you fined toned backs really hot. Luke loves how sexy your back is and you think the same about his back and abs.

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