He sleep talks <3

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Daniel: Daniel laid next to you, on his stomach, holding your hand. You couldn't sleep, but he went to sleep the second his head hit the pillow. You lay, watching as his nose twitched every so often. "No." Daniel began mumbling. "No. Don't take my girl. Stupid bees." You giggled a little. He was having a nightmare about bees, that is so cute. "Stop, she's mine." He whispered. You laughed a little more before you noticed a tear slip from his eye. You shook him slightly whispering his name. He jumped a little before sitting up next to you, pulling you in for a hug. "Daniel, the bees don't have me anymore." You giggled and he pulled away. "How did you know they took you?" He whispered, confused. "You were talking in your sleep." You said letting more laughs escape your mouth. He laid you back down next to him and held your waist tightly, making sure the bees couldn't take you away from him.

Beau: Beau laid next to you, spooning you. You were woken by Beau making weird groaning/moaning sounds. You pulled away a little, facing him. He chuckled a little, "ooh" he said smiling in his sleep. He was dreaming about frickle frackle, eeewww. You nudged him and he slowly opened his eyes. "Beau. Your so gross." You giggled. "What?" He asked now giggling too. "You were dreaming about us..." You wiggled your eyebrows. Beaus face turned red and he winked at you, making you laugh a little bit more.

James: James and you weren't exactly dating yet, but you had slept over at his house. You two were getting closer with every second you were with each other. You lay on his bed, asleep but were woken by soft whispers. You slightly open your eyes to see James pacing back and forth around the room, "(your name) will you be my girlfriend?" He repeated, in different voices and different movements. You giggled when he tried saying it in an American accent. James rushed over to you and you sat up. "Did you hear me?" He asked sitting next you. "Ya." You smiled. "Well..." He paused, "will you be my girlfriend he asked scratching the back of his neck. "Yes." You said before tackling him onto the bed.

Luke : Luke and you were on the couch, watching a little kids movie, when he fell asleep against your shoulder. You stayed stayed up to watch the movie though. You sat watching the movie when Luke started to move his arm. You giggled, "Luke are you awake babe?" You asked. "Too many chickens in the bucket." He mumbled. You had only been wearing a tshirt and your underwear, what you normally sleep in. And Luke wore only his boxers and sweatpants. He moved his arm a little more and you jumped when his hand landed on your lap. His hand directly in your area. Your face turned red and you reached to move his hand. The second your hand touched his, he moved it again. It landing on you chest. You shook him off and whispered his name. "Yeah babe?" He asked sleepily. "Babe you touched me." You giggled. "And...?" Luke asked. "Luke you touched my tit." You blurted out. His face turned red and you couldn't stop laughing. He snuggled back into your side and you were half asleep. "Maybe I wasn't sleeping." He whispered, you could feel him smirk against your stomach. You giggled and your face turned red.

Jai: Jai and you were both asleep in your bed when he began moving, waking you up. "You are my sunshine my only sunshine." Jai sang, his breath heavy against the back of your neck. You turned over to see Jai was awake. You both laughed, "Jai I'm not tired anymore." You mumbled into your pillow. He began rubbing your back, and finished singing to you. You slowly drifted asleep to his loving touch.

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