Your daughter cries because of him

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Daniel: Your 14 year old daughter is extremely shy and quiet. She is so beautiful and smart, but doesn't have many friends at school because of her shyness. You, Daniel, and her boyfriend Taylor, are the only people she talks to. It's her first year in high school and Taylor goes to a different school. Daniel is going on tour but you still haven't told her. He will be gone when she gets home from school.

At 3:05 you head to your front porch. Taylor's car drives up and Mackenzie(daughters name) jumps out. She's breathing heavily and has bright red eyes. You know she's been crying. You quickly walk towards her as she speed walks to you as well. Taylor jumps out of the car, running towards us. Once Mackenzie reaches you she burst into tears. "They hurt me mom. Calling dad horrible names. They were so mean." She cried into your shoulder. "I'm so sorry baby. I'm so sorry." You whispered, rubbing her back. "Where's dad? I need him. Fast." She cried, sprinting to the house. You called her name and ran after her. She walked in and shut the door. You looked back and saw Taylor's head hung low and he drove off. You snapped back and ran into the house. When you got inside, Mackenzie was calling his name running around the main level. "Where's dad?" She asked, finally noticing you. "Tour." You sighed. Her eyes went wide and she looked as if her heart just stopped.

Beau: Beau told you he was going out with the boys that night. Every time he said this you knew he would come home drunk. Why does he still do this with a 3 year old girl in the house? Kaitlyn had never seen that side if him and you are going to try and make sure she doesn't.

At 1:30 in the morning Kaitlyn is fast asleep on your lap, cuddling her pink koala bear. Her long eyelashes peacefully rest on her soft cheeks, she looks so adorable. She stirs in your lap when the front door opens. You lightly lift her off of you and place her on the couch, laying a pillow next to her so she doesn't roll off. "Beau be quiet baby." You whispered, heading around the corner. "Don't f***ing tell me to do anything!" He shouted. He for sure woke Kaitlyn up. "Shhhh." You whispered, trying once more. "Shut the f*** up you b****!" He yelled again. You shuddered at his tone of voice. The smell of alcohol was radiating off of him. "Daddy?" You hear your daughters innocent voice say behind you. You turn around, wrapping her in your arms. Beau is behind you, chugging a beer he brought home with him. You walk as casually as possible to the garage door. Maybe you can get away. "Daddy!" Your daughter cries, squirming in your arms.

James: (pretend the Brooks brothers have a younger sibling, Justin)

James's best friends and I are the only one who know about Justin and Addie going out. They have been really close and I think it is absolutely adorable. But James is always talking about how he doesn't really approve of Justin's actions. Gina kind of stopped caring once her and Usher got together. Justin hangs out at your house a lot. Justin is always getting in trouble at school, he used to bring different girls back to his house every other night, and he is so rude to his brothers. The only people I know he is sweet to are Addie, me, and Gina.

Addie and I were on the couch, watching spongebob. Shocker. James would be home in about 5 minutes and Addie invited Justin over a few minutes ago. Addie and Justin agreed to tell James today. I'm excited, but I'm sure James won't be. My thoughts are interrupted by the front door opening. "How are my favorite girls?" Justin charms, hugging me and basically tackling Addie. He plants kissed all over her face, "I missed you so so so so so much." She squeals and all I can do is awkwardly stare. I faintly could hear the garage door opening so I ran down the hall, stopping James in the garage. I met James just before the garage door, placing my hand in his chest. "Hey love." He kissed my forehead. "Hey." I smile. He tries to go around me but step in front of him. He steps the other way and I follow his lead. He chuckled before he starts making up random dance moves. I can't help but let out a loud laugh. In the time I'm not concentrating, James swivels around me and is already in the door. I run after him but merely get two feet in the house before running into a wall. No, his back. He's frozen in place. I scoot around him and see Justin and Addie playing a disgusting game of tonsil tennis. I clear my throat and they both pull away. Justin's eyes basically pop out of his head and Addie's face drops. "Daddy let me expl-" she began jumping down from the kitchen counter but James cut her off. "No! Are you kidding me? You know I don't like this boy and you go off and date him? Or were you two just sucking faces for fun?" He yelled. "James. Knock it off." I say, grabbing his arm. His muscles are tense. "Sir, I know I'm not your favorite person but if you just give me a chance." Justin started. Before he could go on James pushed me off of him, "I'm just disappointed in Addie." He gritted, walking out of the house. Addie soon let the tears fall and ran to her room, after James just yelled at her because she loved someone.

Jai: Your daughter Mikayla was at a friends house and came home with a hickey. Even you were disappointed at first. Right now, Jai is sitting on the couch running his hands through his hair and you stand awkwardly playing with your hands. Mikayla is standing off to the side, it's only been a minute or so and no one has said much. "Daddy it's not what it looks like." She said, about to sit next to him. He quickly stands up, "it's not what it looks like? You didn't let some boy suck all over your neck? You didn't do something you shouldn't have?" He shouted. "Daddy I swear I didn't do anything more, please let me explain." She whined. She went to grab his arm, attempting to calm him down. "Don't touch me!" He yelled, snapping his arm away. I knew where this was going. He was about to say or do something he would regret. "Jai. Calm down." I said quickly. Jai huffed and stomped out of the room.

"She's my baby. My little girl. And I let some boy touch her. She's only 13 for f***'s sakes" I could hear him whispering from the other side of the bedroom. I could also hear the light sobs of Mikayla in the next room.

Luke: Luke and Chase haven't been getting along lately. Chase brought a girl home a few nights ago for the first time and him and Zoey were the only ones home. Zoey hasn't been acting like herself lately after that night. He left her alone almost the entire night, ignoring her. Zoey is Luke's baby girl, and the fact that she is acting so shy around the house and it is killing Luke. Chase hasn't been hanging out with Zoey at all around the house and has been hanging out with different girls every night, just not here.

Zoey and I were sitting in the kitchen, on the bar stools. She was doing something with my hair and I was messing around in my phone. Luke stood on the other side of the island counter, also on his phone. We all went silent when we heard the front door open. We gave each other worried looks and I attempted to pull Zoey out of the room. She misses her brother, her twin. Before I could get out, chase came in holding some girls hand. I admit she was pretty and looked nice and modest. But now isn't the time. "Chase, no friends tonight." I said quickly, I could feel Zoey shake in my grasp. "Good thing she isn't just a friend then." He smiled, grabbing her hand. She let out an obviously fake giggle and they walked to the fridge. "Your mom said no one over Chase. She needs to leave." Luke ordered, I could see his biceps through his tshirt, they were so tense. "Dad come on. It's my girlfriend." He complained, he was obviously growing angrier. "I'll show you out." I smiled to the girl. She happily followed me to the front door and stepped out. I shut the door in her face without saying goodbye. I quickly made my way back to the kitchen. "Are you kidding me? She's apart of the family! She's my girlfriend! Why did you do that?" Chase shouted. "Ya but Zoey is your family too! Hang out with her for a change." Luke shouted back. I watched as hope filled Zoey's eyes. "No! I don't wanna hang out with her. I finally can get any girl I want why would I hang out with her?" He shouted, but instantly he regretted it. Zoey ran past me, and Luke ran after her. Even I shredded a tear or two.

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