only you can...

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Sorry I'm not as active, maybe message me some ideas to add to my list to keep reminding me to post? I am just starting back to school but I'll try my hardest to continue being active.
Daniel: Only you can... play with his fingers. Everyone always makes fun of them, so now he only let's you see them because you think they're adorable.
Beau: Only you can... Tackle him. The other boys and sometimes fans will try to mess with him and push him around, but he only enjoys it when you do it.
James: Only you can... talk to him about personal things. He only trusts you, and tells you certain things. You may know more about him them his own mother.
Jai: Only you can... Use his phone. It's not like he has anything to hide, he just loves when you take funny selfies or change your contact name.
Luke: Only you can... Play with his hair. Luke is quite the diva when it comes to his hair, and he only let's you mess with it.

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