he has to bra/underwear shop with you

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please comment more preferences you want to be done! (funny, fighting, kids, school, etc.)
daniel: the entire time daniel was just utterly confused and wasn't much help. every time you would ask him a question, he would ask you one right back.
"should I get the grey or light pink one?" you asked. "why are there so many drawers?" he would respond.
beau: from the second you mentioned "bra and undies" at the house, beau was grinning and jumping. he continued to make sexual jokes which did make you laugh, but you didn't understand why it was so funny. at the store beau was being extremely cheeky and sexual. he even followed you into your dressing room!!
james: "will you go with me to victoria's secret to get some undies?"
james face flushed pink and his words jumbled up. "s-sure." you smiled sweetly at him, and took his hand walking into the store. it was so cute how flustered he was, seeing as he was in a woman's store surrounded by other girls. you kissed him on the cheek, reassuring him it wasn't all that bad.
jai: it seemed as though this shopping wasn't all for you, but for jai too. you barely had even picked up a couple pairs of undies before jai had at least 3 sets of lingerie in his arms. you raised your eyebrows at him, and he gently set 2 of the sets down. "we are definitely getting this one." he grinned. "I am not paying for that!" you laughed. "I will." he smirked. you shrugged and continued to shop, and had to scold jai when picked up things himself.
luke: luke was such a cutie the entire time. you told him your sizes and he walked around with you helping you find things you really did love. it was super adorable when luke put the bra on his head, even if you got some weird stares from other girls.

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