he texts you. And wants to see you.

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You were sitting on the couch with your best friend. You still haven't gotten over him. You do feel a little better though. You still haven't left the house.
Your phone vibrates on the table beside you and your heart pulses quickly.

From: Daniel :)
" I said is didn't feel a spark anymore. The truth is, I was just used to the spark. But the spark is gone now that I don't have you. Meet me tonight at the downtown park, please?"
You smile. Somehow, the hurt just vanishes. You feel the butterflies in your stomach begin to fly again. Your heart is putting itself together piece by piece. You're gonna get the spark back. You're gonna get your Daniel back.
You were a coffee shop by yourself, having a ice mocha. You were scrolling on Instagram when you get a text.
From: Beau Babe
"I messed up. I saw you at a club a little while ago, and I realized I don't want a relationship because I want love. I want you. I want to hold you, care for you, love you. Please meet me tonight at my house. I have something for you."
You don't know how to feel, but one thing you do want to do is see Beau.
James: You were sitting at your dining room table, eating some soup you made earlier.
You jump a little when your phone dings loudly.
From: Skippy Boy
"I know we all have been very distant. James is in a bad spot right now, will you meet me and the boys at the house tonight, we all want to talk."
You close your phone and push your soup out of the way. You sigh and rest your head. You're so confused.
You were sitting with Michael, your best friend, in the living room. You recently haven't been self harming, but have been crying a lot more.
Michael has been hanging onto your phone because he wants to read things before you do. Your phone buzzes in his pocket, and his face softens as he read it. "This is one you want to see." He leans over and hands it to you.
From: Jai :)
"You are beyond good enough. You are my everything. That night I messed up. I was excited, and when you said no, I just broke down. My heart broke, I felt like you didn't trust me, or didn't love me. But I do understand, you just weren't ready. I love you so much. I am willing to wait forever, as long as I still have you. Come visit me at my hotel tonight please? I promise nothing is going to happen like that ever again."
You hadn't even realized you were crying. You wiped the tears and handed your phone back to Michael. "Go get ready, princess. He needs you." Michael smiles.
You laid in the hospital bed, snuggling up as much as you could into the almost non-existent blanket. Your phone is being evaluated, so the only source of social life is if they visit you. Connor, your best guy friend, came into the room. "You feel okay babe?" He asks. You smile, you feel better. But your heart is still shattered.

"Um- I saw Luke today. We talked for a little." He said softly, trying not to upset you.
"I'm sure he had a lot of great things to say about Kiana." You whimpered.
"Actually, he talked about you. He said Kiana was using him for fame. He said he made a mistake." Connor said, a faint smile forming on his face.
You stared surprised at him. "What else?" You sat up, interested. "He said he'll be here tonight." Connor stood up, laying your phone on the beside table. "Hear him out, okay? I've made the same mistake he has with Lexie, remember? It hurts." Connor walked out of the room, leaving you alone.

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