A cute thing he likes you doing with him

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Daniel: He likes it how whenever you two cuddle, you curl up into a ball, or even when you aren't cuddling, you always have your legs close to you. He thinks it's really cute because you are already really small, so when you do that, it makes you look even small and even cuter.

Beau: He loves it how you are so random. In both what you say, and what you do. You randomly run around, or spin in circles or randomly make noises and make random statements.

James: He likes how you always play with his hands when your with him. He has average size hands, like every other human, unlike you with little baby hands. He loves it how you are always playing with his fingers and holding your hand up to his for comparison.

Jai: He loves it how whenever you are under something, if it seems possible, you try and jump to hit it. Such as tree branches, walking through a door way, or even if a ceiling is just low. Even when your walking and holding hands with Jai, you still jump and try to hit it with your free hand. It always makes him laugh when you pout if you can't reach it.

Luke: You are fascinated with how toned his chest and abs are. So whenever you cuddle, you stick your hands up his shirt. Not in a dirty way, just because his chest is always warm and toned. He does the same with you sometimes, but of course only on your stomach.

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