Pregnancy: 5th month/ Baby Bump

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Daniel: you and Daniel used to always take names on the small couch. He would keep his back to the couch, and hold you in front of him.

Daniel had just gotten home and called you into the living room. You came in and he was gesturing you lay next to him. You wobbled over and laid down. But you were to big. The bump would hang off the edge and be uncomfortable. You stood back up and without saying a word, Daniel led you upstairs to the bed to cuddle.

Beau planned to have a beach day with you today. You begged him not to because you are a little insecure about your bump. You sighed, as you both got out of the car.

The first hour, you two had a picnic and played games on the sand. Beau slips his shirt off his head, and looks at you, gesturing towards the water. "Beau, I really don't want to." You whisper. There is a group of girls your age, 19 over by the volleyball net. Beau catches you looking at them. "Is that what you're worried about? Babe you're beautiful, and that bump is just there to prove how wonderful you are, you should be proud! You're better than they are, they're out here flirting with every guy and you graduated from college already, you're starting a family." He smiled. You smiled, ripping off your clothes showing your stomach. Beau took your hand and led you to the water.

You are at a meet and greet with James and the rest of the boys. You sit behind James, while he takes pictures with fans. You are fiddling with a teddy bear a fan had gotten for James when you a hear a voice. "(Your name)?" Someone asks. You look up and see a small group of girls, holding teddy bears and little baby clothes. Their eyes light up, along with yours. "These are for you." A girl smiles. Quickly, you stand up and head towards them.
"Awww thank you girls." You smile hugging them all. Now you aren't as scared about the pregnancy, and the fans.

Jai: you stood in front of your mirror, examining your body. Your only in your bra and underwear. The bump is so big. You are startled by Jai at the doorway. He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you, resting them on your belly. You smile, as does he. "What do you think it will be?" He whispers. You smile and turn around in his arms. "I think it will be a squirrel." You giggle. Jai laughs with you, throwing his head back in laughter. "Nooo, I mean boy or girl?" He smiles. You think long and hard. "I think it will be a girl, she will be beautiful like you." He starts. "And creative like you." You smile. You both go on, complimenting each other before he pulls you in for a hug.

Luke: you had gotten up in the middle of the night, in tears. You went down to the couch, leaving Luke asleep. You were thinking about everything. You're only 18! Yes you're out of college but Luke will be gone around the 9th month, you are so scared you will be alone during the birth. Your thoughts are interrupted by Luke coming down the stairs. "Baby, what are you doing?" He asks in his hot sleepy voice. You wipe your tears as he sits next to you. "I'm scared." You whisper. "It will be okay baby." He says, grabbing your hand and pulling you onto his lap.

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