he finds out about how youre taking the break up

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(His POV)
Also, sorry Luke's is really long compared to the others.

Daniel: (your name)'a friend just tweeted about (your name). I feel horrible. I didn't want to hurt her. I was hoping she would forget about me. I told her I didn't feel the spark between us. But the truth is, I think I was just used to the spark. Now I don't have the spark, because I don't have her.
I saw (your name) at a club a few days ago. I stayed hidden, so she didn't see me. She was sitting at the bar, but didn't have a drink. She had her iced tea, like she always gets. What surprised me, was when a guy came up and asked if she wanted to dance. She shook her head, and left.

All I could think about after that, was her. Maybe I do want a relationship. But not any relationship, I want (your name).
I saw (your name)'a tweet a little bit ago. I can't help but think of her.

I got to my old house, and spent the past few days with my family. I thought this is what I needed.

I had gotten back from tour, and felt drained. I thought maybe coming home for a while would help.
But I feel the same.
That's when It comes back to me. At one point, Luke said I'm not the same when I'm not with (your name). Maybe that's what I need. That's what I've always needed.
Jai: I'm very close with Michael, (your name)'s best friend. They are closer though. I asked him how she was doing, because the truth is I want her back. I didn't mean what I said the other night. I was just... Excited. And when she said no, I lost it. I met a girl at the club, but that's not what I wanted. I was angry. But we got back to the hotel, and almost immediately after i told her to get out. I want (your name) so bad. I was scared she didn't trust me. Michael told me she started to self harm. So I did too. If I'm hurting her, I should be hurt too.
Luke: I was on my couch with Kiana, and I got a text from Connor, (your name)'s friend.
"Do you know what you lost? You just flung (your name) off like she was nothing. She is the most beautiful, smart, kind, and loving person I know.
She went to meet your family, did Kiana?
She spent nights with you when you felt like dying, did Kiana?
She loved you, does Kiana?"
Kiana was busy on her phone next to me, but I quickly texted back.
"Is she okay?" Is what I wanted to know.
"To be completely honest with you Luke, no. She's in a hospital. She tries to hurt herself. She think she's not good enough because you pushed her away like she was nothing."
That's when I knew, Kiana is not it. Kiana is not my love. (Your name) is my everything.

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