You Accidentally Hit Him

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Daniel: Daniel and you were sitting on the couch, watching a movie with all the guys. You two sat next to each other, when Daniel randomly pokes you in the side. Great idea. Without thinking, you flung your arm having no purpose, just out of reflex and snack him square in the face. All the guys start laughing and you rush closer to him to see if he's alright. You had hit him on the cheek and left a red mark. You came back with an ice pack but he kept lying saying he was okay. No one watched the movie after that, you all sat talking about what happened and couldn't stop laughing.

Beau: You laid next to Beau, both of you on your backs, facing the ceiling next to each other. You were both half asleep before you wanted to cuddle him. You flung your arm over, turning on your side, and your hand came in contact with his bare chest. You didn't mean to hit him that hard but I guess it did anyways. He jumped up, along with you and let our a groan. "What was that for?" He shouted. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to! Let me get a cool rag." You shouted sitting on the edge of bed. Before you stood up, Beau pulled you back to him, pulling you close to him. "I'm fine. I need cuddles to fix it." He mumbled. You sighed and let the slumber take you over, in the arms of Beau.

James: You and James stood in front of each other playing the childhood game 'ninja'. The first person moved once to try and hit the other person, and the second person gets one turn to move. It was your turn. You made your move. You lunged your arm forward, but he didn't move. You hit him directly in his Adam's apple on his throat. He gagged and coughed, it sounded weird. "James why didn't you move?!" You shouted through laughs. " I forgot." He said catching his breath and laughing with you. He pulled you in for a hug and suggest you play another game, like hide and seek or tag.

Jai: Jai and you were having a staring contest, and all the guys surrounded and watched. Luke farted, breaking the silence.

You and Jai burst out laughing and both fell forward. You butted heads and Jai fell back. You suprisingly weren't hurt but still couldn't stop laughing. In between laughs, you tried to comfort Jai. "Oh My god. Are you okay, I'm so sorry baby!" You comforted him finally calming down. "Babe I'm fine I just have a headache." You two calmed down and Beau came in with an ice pack and Aspirin. You two cuddled and the guys started a movie for the night.

Luke: it was really late at night and you and Luke were super hyper from eating loads of candy And drinking loads of soda. It was a diet cheat night... Don't judge. You two were running around and then came to a stop, his arms around your waist and your arms around his neck. "You know what phrase I hate. When people say 'sorry not sorry'." Luke said. "Sorry not sorry sorry not sorry not sorry not sorry." You sang tauntingly. He began tickling you and when he tickled your sides you brought your knee up. Your knee hit him directly in his downstairs area and he bent over, falling back. You ran to him. You couldn't help but giggle as you tried comforting him. "Luke! Luke. Luke look at me." You said 'seriously' finally calming down. He looked at you, keeping his hands by his .🙊. and furrowed his eyebrows. You looked into his eyes, "sorry not sorry." You said before getting up and running away. Luke got up and hobbled after you, trying to catch up. When he finally caught up to you, you stood holding an ice pack for him "sorry." You said sweetly before he pulled you in for a hug.

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