He Has A Crush On You (Middle School)

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Daniel: Daniel was walking to the cafeteria with all of his friends. He wasn't the most popular guy, but his best friend was, well his only friend. He was new here and all of your friends were ignoring him. They were to busy obsessing over the popular jocks. All of the 'populars' sit together at lunch, which is your friend group and the boys, including Daniel. Daniel sat directly across from you and wouldn't take his eyes off you. But to be fair, you couldn't take your eyes off him either. "Let's play telephone!" Someone yells. You and Daniel break your gaze as you watch Ryan, your cousin whisper something into Jakes ear. They skipped over Daniel for some reason, but he didn't notice. They kept passing it on until it got to you. The most popular boy, Garrett, smirks at you before getting up from the table and walking to the other side. Why would they skip you, why would they skip Daniel? You and Daniels eyes meet and you shoot each other confused looks before looking at Jessica, who was the last to hear it. She smirked and looked around at everyone, now they all looked really mysterious. "Daniel... Likes... (Your name)" she said loudly, pausing between each word. Your eyes shot to Daniel who's face was bright red, he looked back at you and you watched as his bottom lip trembled. You gave him a reassuring smile before mouthing the words 'I like you too'. His mouth curled into a huge grin, which you returned.

Beau: Beau was the school bad boy, and not really like the player that gets all of the girls. He was the one who got in trouble with all of the teachers. Their were girls who did like him, including you, and he always had good grades. Most of the boys are scared of him, and so are a few of the girls.

You were walking to 4th hour and that was one of the many classes you had with Beau. You walked inside and sat down in the front, on the side of the room Beau never sits. You were writing in your planner/homework log, when Beau sat at the table next to you. "U-uh why are you sitting here?" You asked nervously. "Because I can. Plus I didn't want you sitting alone." He said also writing in his planner. You shrugged it off and closed your planner when your teacher, Mr. Williams, walked in. "Hello, good afternoon class. Today, we are going to start our group project. Most of you will be in groups of three but there will be one group of two. This class is really small, so there will only be 2 full groups and one pair of partners." He began. You snuck a glance to the side, only to see Beau was staring at you as well. You looked back down at your hands before pulling out a pencil and playing with it. "The first group will be Makenna, Hunter, and Elias. The second group will be Ryan, Tucker, and Joe. That leaves Beau and... (your name)." He smiled when he read your name, you were obviously his favorite. Your heart began beating faster. You can't work with Beau. Most of this project must be done out of school, seeing as it's a 'get to know' type of thing. You looked over at Beau, who looked just as nervous as you did. "Well, I guess we should plan out how we want to do this." You said pretending to be alright. "U-uh. We could d-do a PowerPoint." He stuttered. "Sorry. It's just I'm nervous." He said, sort of calming down. "You? Beau Brooks? Nervous?" You chuckled. "Well. I kinda have had a crush on you. And this is the first time I've ever been this close with you." He smiled. "Really? I... I like you too." You giggled. There was a long pause before he began pulling out paper. "First question." He said excitedly. "Can we meet after school?" He smiled. "L-like a date?" You asked, your face turning red. "Yeah, unless you don't wanna." He said less excitedly. "Id love to." You smiled, earning one back from him.

James: James was the coolest kid in school. Super cute, super smart, super athletic, perfect. You were one of the few girls that didn't have a huge crush on him, because you thought you didn't have a chance.

You were at your locker, gathering some books. As you closed it, you dropped almost everything. Everyone was in too big of a rush to stop and help you, well almost everyone. You knelt down, picking up a textbook when another hand joined in, grabbing a notebook. You looked up to see... James. Your heart fluttered as he shot you that dazzling smile and passed you your books. His hand brushed yours and it felt as if it was on fire. You got lost in his eyes, but quickly looked away turning around to walk to your next class. "Wait!" James shouted behind you. You turned around to see James holding a piece of wrinkly paper. "Call me?" He smiled. You smiled and gently took the paper from His hands. You both turned, heading opposite directions, smiling like idiots.

Jai: Jai is the hottest boy in school. The only problem is he is also the school player. He's nice, just dates any girl, well he's already dated every girl. Except for you.

You were in the lunch line, ready to buy a cookie. Alex, the school bad boy, and also the boy who 'likes you' but yet bullies you, comes up to you. "Can you buy me a slice of pizza?" He asks, all of his friends were surrounding him like lost puppies. "U-uh sure I guess." You say playing with you fingers. "Good, I was going to make you anyways." He chuckled, causing his minions to laugh as well. You got to the front of the line and bought a slice of pizza. You turned around to hand it to Alex, and he snatched it from your hands running off. You were about to sigh before you noticed Jai standing behind you, alone. He smiled at you, but you turned around because you felt yourself blushing. "One cookie please." You say quietly to the lady on the other side of the bar. She taps on the computer screen. "Sorry sweetie, you just ran out of money." She sighed. You began to walk away and made it to the lunch table. Your friend Sydnee was sat opposite, talking to Judy. You three were each other's only friends, sounds sad right? But it isn't, you are best friends and are happy with what you have. You sat down, silently and began to do your math homework. You didn't have anything else to do right?

You were on your second problem when someone pulled the chair out next to you. You looked up to see Jai, with a lunch tray consisting of two pizza slices, two Capri suns, and two cookies. He smiled and sat next to you gesturing that you eat with him. You smiled and began to eat the pizza. "Why are you talking to me, when you could go toy with any other girl out there." You said, eyebrows knit with confusion. "Why talk to any girl out there, when I could talk to you, a beautiful girl that I like." He smiled. You blushed and couldn't help but smile.

Luke: Luke was always really shy. You had every class with him and noticed he doesn't talk much. He has a lot of friends, just doesn't talk in classes. You on the other hand, are very outgoing and I guess are considered a 'popular'. Recently, you have started to like Luke, but get to nervous to talk to him.

He was sitting in the back of the room, way of in the corner. You sat with some of your friends, Makenna, Elias, and Hunter. The assignment you and Makenna were working on required a dictionary. The dictionary's are over by Luke. Makenna pushed you out if your seat, "this is your chance. Go!" She whisper/shouted. You groaned before nervously making your way behind Luke. You couldn't help but notice something as you walked by. He was doodling in a little notebook, it had your name written all over it with his last name, Brooks. You smiled and grabbed a dictionary. As you made your way behind Luke again, you tossed a paper onto his desk. You made it during 3rd hour, when you were alone. It had Luke's name written all over it in love hearts. He snapped around, startled by you and watched as you walked back to your desk. You watched from across the room as he unfolded it. He smiled and looked over at you, which you couldn't help but smile back.

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