Waking Up the Day After (series continued)

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Daniel: you woke up, and you were at Daniels house, In Daniels bed, and in Daniels arm. The spark was there. You could see his face, his bare chest, him. You could see the guy you fell in love with. And you knew there was a spark, am everlasting spark.
Beau: You woke up on the couch, and Beau was on the floor in a blanket. You laughed, and poked his arm. He sat up quickly, "huh?" He asked. "Get up here!" You laughed. He smiled and jumped on top of you. And you knew what you had here, was more than just any relationship.
James: you woke up at James's house in LA, where all the boys live. You were in James's bed snuggled up against him, and you knew you couldn't be happier. You never want to get up, this moment is perfect. This moment is very perfect.
Jai: You wake up in Jai's hotel room, and Jai is snuggled up on you. His leg is wrapped around you, his arms are wrapped around and his hands are tangled in your hair. You could barely move. But you just stayed still. Because you knew, you needed this as much as he needed you.
Luke: you wake up in the hospital bed, and Luke was on the hospital chair fast asleep. You smiled, and stared at him. He slowly fell forward until he jolted awake. You held up the covers, and Luke climbed in with you. You snuggled into his chest,
And he held you close.

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