he makes the desicion.

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I'm gonna make this a small series and tbh I'll probably cry throughout these. :)
You were sitting on your bed on twitter when Daniel comes into the room. You smile and sit up.
"Hey baby." You grin, sitting cross cross.
"Uh hey." He sighs sitting next to you. "What's wrong?" You are getting worried. "Listen, I love you. A lot. But I just- there isn't a connection. I don't feel the spark. I'm sorry. I just-" he is so flustered.
"So you want to break up?" Your heart breaks. You thought he was the one. You thought he loved you.
He nods, and stands up. He sticks out his hand, wanting to give you a hug.

You can't handle it. You feel the lump rise in your throat and you stand up. He goes for a hug but you quickly cover your mouth, you feel sick. You rush to your bathroom and shut the door. The tears rush out, and you hear a faint knock on the door. "I'm so sorry." His voice croaks, it sounds hurt. Broken.

You hear his faint footsteps as he walks away, and then

James: You had just gotten home, and James was waiting for you with a large luggage bag. He looked as if he was crying earlier. You slowly set your purse down, and your keys dropped to he floor. You walked towards him, "what- what are tho-" you stuttered.
He took your hands in his, "(your name) I'm moving back to Melbourne. I miss my family. I want to be with my mom. I need a break. But I still love you. I will still think of you. I will always be waiting for the time I see you again. I hope you wait for me to." He stares into your eyes. "But James I..." You start crying. The tears roll down your cheeks, dragging some mascara with them. "Don't wait up for me, forget about me." He kissed your cheeks before taking his bag with him our the door. You stood still, until you heard the car outside start. Then you ran. You ran after him, he can't go. He's your everything. You love him. You'll never forget him.
Beau: You were sitting on the couch watching your favorite show when Beau comes walking through the door. He stops in the door of the lounge and stares at you. "I don't want this." He simply states. "What?" You stand up. "I don't want a relationship." He says. What? You thought it was going okay. You and Beau started dating last month. What happened. He doesn't say anything else, but then walks out the door.

You collapse. You really loved him. And he just left? Really? Why?
Jai: you and Jai have been dating for a month and a half. He's taking it way to fast. He already wants to be physical. "N-no." You say. He scoffs. "I thought you loved me." He says coldy. "I do, I just don't want-" you didn't want to say it.

"Well if you won't make me happy baby, something else will." He glares and stomps out of the apartment. You are so shaky, and confused. He was so sweet, where is this coming from. He's going for another girl. You cry into your hands, in the quiet empty apartment.
Luke has been acting strange lately. He has been very.... Distant.

As you walk out of your bedroom, Luke is waiting for you in the hall. He is flustered.
"Um- I don't know how to say this. I- I..." He begins.
You stare impatiently at him, "go on." You whisper.
"There is someone else. I love her. I- I... Sorry." And with that, he bolts away. You stare blankly at the empty space. He's gone.

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