Where you see him in public/ what he does

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(You can replace the names of the girls is you want)

Daniel: "So what store should we go to next?" Sam cheered. "Forever 21?" You smirked. They all laughed and grabbed there bags, and began following you down the mall corridor. It was a weekday, and the mall was reserved for 'teens only' it was some silly thing they had once every 6 months. A few groups of older boys whistled at all of you but Chelsea, drug everyone In the other direction. "No interactions with boys." Sam said, as you two headed down a path full of people. It was only filled with girls, that's weird. You made it to Forever 21 and Kaitlin stopped all 4 of you, talking to some saleswoman outside of the store. You looked around at the crowd of girls, and had gotten curious. "Be right back." You tapped Chelsea's shoulder. You set your stuff beside her. She nodded and you shuffled to the other side of the hall, right in front of Hot Topic. You squeezed through the crowd of girls and saw the one thing you didn't want to... Daniel. He smiled and waved at you but you stood in shock, in fear, not knowing what to do. He whispered something to Jai and Jai looked over to you, then back and Daniel and nodded. Your heart began beating faster as Daniel began walking around the table, towards you. He was only 5 feet away before you turned around, rudely pushing through the crowd. Some girls called you names and some even pushed you back. By the time you got out of the crowd, you were in tears. You wanted to forgive Daniel so badly but you knew he had to apologize first. Sam and Chelsea ran to you, dropping their bags and pulling you in for a hug. Kaitlin soon rushed over, copying their actions. All of you slowly made your way out of the mall, in silence.

Beau: You and Jc were at a small YouTuber convention. Only the 'big' YouTube stars made it there. Jc had brought you just because he didn't want you by yourself at the O2L house. Kian and Sam were each at individual interviews, Connor was out talking to Bethany Mota, and Trevor and Ricky were talking to their managers. Jc and you were making your way down the corridors of the beautiful building, where all of the interviews were taking place. You were almost halfway to the front entrance when a huge group of cameras and people holding microphones were surrounding you both. "Who is this?" "Are you two dating?" "Aren't you (your name)" "JC who is this is?" "Weren't you dating Beau Brooks?" Millions of questions were being asked and your body was shaking like crazy. Jc forcefully grabbed your arm, but you were okay with it because it was the one thing pulling you from that crowd. "Are you alright?" He asked, out of breath. "Fine." You smiled. He sent a smile back at you as you two made your way closer to the front entrance. "Excuse me. Jc? May we have a small interview for you and this beautiful young lady?" A small lady asked. Jc looked at you raising his eyebrows. You shrugged your shoulders and he gently took your hand, leading you to a small blue couch off to the side of the room. "Actually, before we start. We were wondering if you would be okay with another group joining you? We are low on time and you two are our last two groups." The lady asked quickly. "It's fine with me." Jc smiled. "Sure, I guess." You smiled as well. "Tell them to head on over." She smiled at a tall man. He nodded and headed down the hall.

It started to quiet down as the convention came to an end, and there was only a minimal amount of interviews going on. You and JC sat as JC introduced you to the lady, seeing as you aren't 'famous'. Your heart almost stopped when you heard those familiar Aussie accents chanting "Janoskians!" Down the hall. You scooted closer to Jc. "Jc it's them." You whispered in his ear. His eyes went wide, "will you be okay to do an interview?" He whispered back. You hesitated but nodded. The line of boys made there way in, Jai, James, Daniel, Luke, and lastly Beau. Beaus head hung low and he slouched his way to the couch, not bringing his eyes from the floor to notice you. He sat on the opposite end and you leaned forward, getting a good look at him. The other boys all sent you apologetic looks as the lady began the questions. "Our first question is for Beau. So, what exactly happened between you and (your name)?" The lady's eyes flickered from Beau to you. "I just wish she was here with me." You heard him mumble. "What are you talking about Beau? She's here right now." She said in a 'duh' tone. His eyes shot up and met yours from across the couch. You saw how bloodshot his eyes were. Aren't you supposed to be the one that's hurt? "(Your name)" his voice soft and cracky. You couldn't handle it and shot up from your seat, making your way out the front entrance. Jc ran close behind and met you around the corner of the building where you cried into his shoulder.

James: Today was the day you were performing in Australia. You have been really nervous because you are scared you might see James again. You haven't talked to him since you left Melbourne 3 days ago.

You were backstage, fixing your hair into a cute bun on top of your head. You put on your costume and headed behind the stage to practice your dance. It's a really sad dance, and it related to your life a lot. Your manager/coach had always told you to show real emotion and never keep a straight face, you were pretty good at that but sometimes got lost and didn't show any emotion. The announcer came on and you pranced onto the stage, the music pulling you into a trance.

After a few steps you started to become sad, but only allowed the feeling to take over your facial expressions. "He was only there for one thing." The girl sang. At this point in the song, you had to pause and stare into the crowd. You stopped, walked to the edge of the stage. And that's when the emotions hit you. James stood in the front row, alone. Your eyes caught his and that's when it happened. The music intensified and you began dancing once again. You couldn't contain the tears, and cried the rest of the dance.

The music stopped and you stood center stage as the crowd applauded. You skipped off stage, still in tears. "(Your name) you did amazing! Great way to fake emotion." He smiled. "I wish it was fake." You trembled, running to your dressing room.

Jai: Connor had came to visit for a week, because you couldn't stop crying and you are in so much pain. Your best friend tried and tried but could never find anything to help you.

You sat on your living room couch, cuddled into Connor. Sydnee went out to get ice cream for you all. There was a knock on the door. "Be right back babe." Connor kissed your forehead. "No. I want to. I haven't done anything this past week, let me." You sent him a reassuring smile. He nodded and plopped onto the couch, leaving you to walk to the door. You slowly peeled back the wooden door to see something that made your heart rise to your throat. Jai. "Can we talk?" He asked. You didn't say anything. You didn't even move. You began crying and screaming, pounding your fists into Jai's chest. He didn't budge, but he was now in tears as well. Connor came running to the door, and he pried you from Jai's shirt that you were currently clinging to.

Jai stood still, allowing the tears to rain from his glistening hazel eyes. Connor held you on the floor, rocking you like a child. Jai sprinted away, crying as if he just hurt the love of his life. Which he did.

Luke: Jake had taken you out for ice cream, in the streets of Melbourne. You were okay with it because you knew Luke and the boys went on tour today in London.

You sat at a small round table, eating plain vanilla ice cream. You were wearing sweatpants, a huge T-shirt, and your hair was in a messy ponytail. You obviously didn't look your best. You got a few awkward stairs from people as they walked by. But you kept your eyes focused on the melting ice cream, as Jake sat silently. Your head slowly rose when the bell to the door rung. You got a sudden boost of confidence. Luke saw you and nervously threw his hands in his pockets, walking to order. Why wasn't he on tour? Why haven't you confronted him yet?

"Be right back." Jake said, you let out a small giggle. He had chocolate ice cream all over his face, he was probably going to get napkins. He swept around the corner, this is your chance, you thought. You stood up and headed to Luke who was now seated alone at a table in the corner. You slapped your hand on the table which cause him to snap his head up from the gaze on his vanilla ice cream. "Look. I know I may not have the most amazing body. I know I'm not very pretty. I know I don't always look my best. And I'm sorry I couldn't give that to you." You said, on the verge of tears. "(Your name)-" he began, but you cut him off, "but I do know one thing. That I loved you." You let a tear slip, but quickly wiped it away with the back of your hand. Luke stood up next to you. Due to the small height difference, you had to look up at him. His hazel eyes glowed. Before you could speak again, or walk away, Luke cupped your face in his soft hands and smashed his lips to yours. You kissed back, you couldn't resist. You missed his touch, his voice, his kiss.

When you both pulled away for air, he kept his gaze On you. "You are perfect." He whispered. You quickly broke from his grasp, running for the door. You ran only across the street, just to get way from there. Jake soon came running out, his fist clenched around the napkins. You watched as his gaze met yours, and the napkins slowly floated to the cold concrete sidewalk as he sprinted for you. He lifted you off of the ground, pulling you in for a hug. "I leave for 3 minutes and you go and get yourself hurt." He says, but you hold in the small giggle. It hurt too much.

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