What he does when your mad at him

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Daniel: Whenever your mad at Daniel, you give him the silent treatment. So Daniel doesn't leave your sight and is constantly doing silly things to make you laugh. He does this until you give in and laugh with him.

Beau: Whenever your mad at Beau, he goes out and buys you a bunch of stuff. Ice cream, chocolates, movies, flowers, stuffed animals. And then he gives them to you, and showers you with hugs and kisses.

James: Whenever your mad at James, he constantly cuddles you. Even if you won't let him, he tries over and over until you cuddle him back. Then he holds you there continually apologizing until you forgive him.

Jai: Whenever your mad for any reason, you always end up crying. So when your mad at Jai, you almost immediately forgive him because you need a hug and need him to love and care for you.

Luke: Whenever you are mad, you always get an energy boost and need to take it out on something. So when you are mad at Luke, you stomp your feet, scrunch up your nose, and normally punch Luke's chest and biceps. Of course it never hurts him because it's all muscle but he tries his best to hold in his laughs. He thinks that you are either super cute and adorable when you stomp around, but he finds it really hot when you yell at him.

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