what you don't notice, but he loves about you.

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when your excited about something.

whenever you get excited talking about something or hearing good news, your real smile comes out. you laugh loudly, and move around a bunch. daniel thinks this is the cutest thing ever, and he can never help but get excited too.
when you're dancing.

when you are listening to music, cleaning, or cooking, you are dancing. you wave your hands around above your head and sway your hips to the beat. it drives beau crazy.
when you're sleeping.

you are so peaceful when you sleep. your soft eyelashes rest on your cheeks, and it's the one time james can rest his head on your chest and listen to your heartbeat. sometimes, he lays his hand on his chest and can feel his and your heartbeats in sync.
when you're reading.

when you're reading, jai can't help but stare. you play with your bottom lip, in concentration. your beautiful bright eyes flicker back and forth, and your brows occasionally furrow with emotion. he loves that little half smile you do when read something that makes you happy.
when you're laughing.

luke loves making you laugh because he loves seeing you happy.
you lean forward slightly, showing your gorgeous imperfect smile. you let out your adorable giggle and your eyes squint slightly. the entire time, luke is smiling because he knows how in love he is.

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