You arrive.

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You pull up at the downtown park and park your car. You are wearing a white jumper and some light wash skinny jeans. Your also wearing your black beanie. You see Beau, James, Jai, and Luke. But not Daniel. Beau points to you and all the guys start walking over to you. "Hey." They all say, but you stay quiet. "Where's Daniel?" You say very quietly.

"He is here, he just went to- the bathroom I think." Beau seemed anxious. You nodded and walked past the boys to the campfire. You sat on the one log, and Beau and James came and sat next to you. Jai and Luke stood around you. There weren't many people here, or at least not in this area. Although, there were some people working on something over by the lake.

You shrugged it off and stared at the fire. At one point, the smoke flew right in your face. You kept staring though. The other boys coughed and stood up. "Doesn't that hurt?" Jai asked. You shrugged, "I'm used to it." The boys then went quiet.

"It's time." Luke whispered, but you could here. The boys spread around, each working on something different. You stood up, confused. You ducked when fireworks went off. You slowly relaxed, and looked at the sky. You forgot about everything. You watched all of the colors, as they shot everywhere. It was beautiful.

You turned when you felt someone tap your shoulder. Your heart quickened when you saw Daniel. without saying anything, you crashed your lips together. He held you so tight, you came off the ground. "You were always my spark." He whispered, resting his forehead on yours.
You didn't bother getting dressed. You stayed in your pajama shorts and pink tshirt, with your hair in a really messy ponytail. You slipped on your slippers, which you didn't realize were actually Beau's.

You arrived at his front door, and the door opened immediately. Beau was wearing a dress shirt with the bow tie you always loved. It was lopsided, and his jeans didn't match at all. He smiled as he saw what you were wearing.

He motioned you in, and you covered your mouth, tears threatening to leak everywhere. Small candles and red rose petals made a path to his dining room. He took your open hand and led you to a chair, which he pulled out for you. You sat down, your hand over your heart. No one said a word. Beau came back with two bowls of pasta, and two iced teas. You laughed a little.

He stood still beside you, and you looked up at him. Both of you were crying. You stood up and threw your arms around him. "Please forgive me." He whispered into your neck. You nodded against him, and you could feel him relax. You smiled into his shoulder, and knew it was going to be okay.
You pulled up outside the boys house and Daniel was waiting for you outside. You were wearing your black leggings and had on James's blue jumper. Daniel led you inside, where all the boys were waiting in the lounge. You looked at each of them, and that's when your heart stopped. James was standing beside the couch. You ran to him, jumping on him. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around your torso and you cried hysterically into his shoulder. "I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry baby." He cried. You two slowly let go, and continued to hug normally. "Your all I need. You're all I ever need." He said, rubbing your back.
Jai: you pull up outside the fancy hotel, and a few fans come up to you. They see you aren't very... Happy. They all decide to wait. You are wearing skinny jeans and a black long sleeve top that shows a lot of your back and shoulders. Your hair is in a messy side braid, but even your makeup can't hide your hurt. One thing Jai thinks is adorable about you was when you cry, your bottom lip sticks out like a baby. You hadn't noticed you were doing it as you stood in the elevator. You read the room number, and tensed up when you saw it. 418. Right next to you. You gently knocked on the door. You heard quick and faint footsteps, before the door opened. Jai looked worse than you. He didn't have a shirt on, his sweatpants had a food stain on them, his hair look liked a christmas tree, and he had obviously been crying. Hard.

He didn't say anything, but pulled you into him. He cried hard into your bare neck, "I need you (your name)! I love you! Please please please!" He cried. The door slowly closed and you stood there, your hand over your mouth, tears spilling out. He was down on his knees, crying, pleading for your love. You bent down if from of him. Both of you grew quiet. He slowly sat up, on his knees. "Please?" He whispers. You nod, and he smiles slightly. He relaxes, his muscles so soft compared to before. "I'm such a mess." He chuckles a little. You nod and smile. You fall onto his lap, and rest your head into his shoulder, he leans back on the carpeted floor, and holds you.
Luke: you laid in the hospital bed, in the quiet room. You put on a
Music channel on the tv. You closed your eyes, becoming tired.
You jump up quickly when the door creaks open. Luke is closing the door, and your panting heavily. His hand slaps over his mouth when he sees you. He rushes to your side, "I did this to you?" He asks, a tear or two gliding down his cheek onto his hand. You just stare at him. "I know I don't look good, especially nothing like Kiana." You cry but chuckle a little. "No no no no no (your name) you look so much better than Kiana. You are so beautiful. I just... I put you here. I'm so horrible." He cries to himself, and hits his head hard, angry with himself. He used to do that when you two were younger, in high school. He would have these crazy rage attacks. The veins in his neck were huge and he was breathing aggressively. You stood up, and grabbed his arms. You could feel hs heartbeat through his arms. "I f****ing did this too you! I hate myself." He shouts. You push him back into the chair, and straddle him (In a non dirty way). You wrap your arms around his neck. He needs to know your okay. He relaxes. His hands tangled in your hair, holding you close, and the other wrapped all the way around your small torso. "I love you so much you know that." His voice croaks through his tears. "I love you too." You whisper into his now wet tshirt from the crying.

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