His reason for ignoring you

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Daniel: Daniel had been making up excuses to not hang out with you, one day you saw him in the park making a video with the boys. "Daniel?" You ask quietly off to the side. All of their heads shoot towards you. Daniel gets up and engulfs you in a big hug. "I'm so sorry." He whispered. You pull away, "you said you were in rehearsals." You say annoyed. "I know, I just didn't want you to see me with this. Please let me explain." He says pointing to what looks like a love bite on his neck. "Daniel!" You shout, as tears brim your eyes. "It's a bruise! I swear, Beau jabbed me accidentally yesterday." He said, turning looking at Beau. All of them surrounded you. "We swear, it's nothing bad. He was scared you would assume things." Luke said, joining in on the conversation. You sighed and faintly smiled. They all cheered and headed back to the bench. You sat on Daniels lap and cuddled with him for the rest of the video.

Beau: Beau almost never gets sick, so when he does you go all doctor on him. You never leave his side, and he thinks it's cute. He just hates the medicine you give him... He hates it a lot.

You woke up, and didn't have your morning text from Beau. You didn't think about it and instead called him. "Morning babe." You said cheerfully. "Morning." He croaked, his voice sounding faint and scratchy. "Are you alright?" You ask getting worried. "U-uh ya." He said before coughing. "Well... I'll talk to you later, bye babe." You said, you knew something was up. "Love you." Beau croaked before hanging up. You had a shower, ate a small breakfast and did your normal morning routine. You threw on leggings and a sweatshirt and grabbed your phone, wallet, and car keys before heading out. It had been almost a half an hour before you walked out of your local pharmacy, with that nasty medicine Beau hated. You drove quickly to Beaus house, and noticed only his car was there, meaning he was home alone. You knocked on the door, but there wasn't an answer. You took out the spare key he gave you and opened up the door. The house was silent, except the faint dialogue of the tv.

Slowly, you took off your shoes and tip toed down the hall, but before turning the corner, you headed back to the kitchen. As quietly as possible, you prepared the disgusting blob of medicine on a spoon. You also added some sugar to the medicine to make it taste better. You crept quietly and carefully back to the corner, before quickly speeding around it. Beaus bloodshot eyes went wide and he jumped up. "Please babe don't make me take that nasty medicine." He whined. You got closer to him, until he backed into a corner. "Beau, stop being a baby. I put sugar in it." You said, now standing in front of him. He sighed before opening his mouth. You slipped the spoon in his mouth and he scrunched his nose up as he swallowed it all in ine gulp. You laid the spoon on the table and pulled him in for a hug. He hugged you back, "that was disgusting." He chuckled, making you laugh with him.

James: James hand been ignoring you completely for the past few days. Apparently, there was some bad news going around the Janoskians fandom but no one would tell you.

You just couldn't take it anymore, you couldn't find it on social media, the boys weren't responding to you, and James is ignoring you as well. You headed to the boys house, and barged right through the front door. Beau, Daniel, Luke, and Jai were sitting in the living room. "Where's James?" You asked, hands on your hips. "(Your name) don't worry about it." Beau said standing up. You began tapping your foot and watched as all of them stared at you, apologetically. You bolted out of the room, headed to James bedroom. You heard the rest of them fumbling around, and Calling your name. You walked into his room, and shut the door locking it. The boys pounded on the door. "Come out, leave him alone." One of them said, it sounded like Daniel. "It's fine boys, go away." You heard James voice day behind you. You snapped your head around, to see James holding his head in his hands on the edge of his bed. The others went silent, they must have left. You sat next to James, and rubbed his back. "What's wrong?" You asked, on the verge of tears. You've never seen James cry, and you hope you never will again. It makes you so sad to see him like this. "Promise you will listen if I tell you." He said, lifting his head. You looked into his red puffy eyes, "of course." You said grabbing his hand. "At the meet and greet, a fan kissed me." He began. You pulled your hand away and stood up. "(Your name) I didn't kiss her back, I would never cheat on you. You believe me right?" He asked, stepping closer to you. You hesitated but nodded, before he pulled you in for a hug. "I love you so much." He whispered. You squeezed him tighter, "I love you too." You whispered back.

Jai and Luke (mixed): Your best friend is dating Jai, and you are dating Luke. Recently, Jai hadn't been responding to your Best friend and Luke wasn't as close to you. Both of you were worried and decided to head to one of their shows, and surprise them. You sat backstage, in Gina's dressing room, as she was the only one who knew you were both here. In the middle of the show, you knew all of them were on stage and both of you headed to the side, to see part of the show. Jai held the microphone and Luke stood next to him. You watched as Luke obviously was about to cry. You heart clenched as Jai began to speak. You simply weren't listening until you heard the word 'our uncle has passed away.' You saw Luke jog off of the other side of the stage, into Gina's arms. You knew how close he was to them, that explains why Beau wasn't at this show. He probably took it harder than Jai and Luke. You ran around the back of the stage, to Luke and Gina. Gina looked at you and mouthed the words 'he needs you'. You slowly walked to them and Gina pushed Luke away gently and turned him around. His eyes met your and both of you jumped onto each other, clinging to each other tightly. "I'm so sorry for ignoring you, I- I just-" he started. "Shh I understand." You whispered into his neck, as you rubbed his back. You could see your best friend and Jai on the other side of the stage, she sat on the side, with Jai cuddled into her side and she played with his hair to calm him down. You gave each other a faint smile before going back to Jai and Luke. Luke was breathing heavily, sobbing into your shoulder as you held him closer with every sob.

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