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ok guys please read!!
sorry for not updating like I said I would. tbh I don't really have an excuse and I'm really really sorry ://
but also, I have an idea!!
so a while ago I wanted to do an advice book and you guys wanted me to but I never did!! so now I think I'm gonna make one and it would help me out if you would read it and comment or message me some questions to get the book going!! thx :))
daniel: whenever you and daniel have sleepovers, you are always the one planning everything. you decide the snacks you eat, where you sleep, what movie you watch. it gets annoying sometimes, but daniel makes it so fun. you two always have a water gun fight in the middle of the night. it's a tradition. just before midnight you and daniel go outside and hide from each other. right at midnight you go after each other! one time you two were so loud the cops came ://
beau: sleepovers with beau are the cutest things ever. he's so lovey dovey when you two are alone and it's absolutely adorable. he always brings some food when he comes over, usually chocolates. you'll watch a movie and snuggle on the couch. buttttt it's not always so quiet. occasionally, things get a little crazy and let's just say... you two have a really good night.
james: unpredictable. that's the only word that could describe a sleepover with james. from the second he's in the door, he's already building a fort for you two to sleep in. most of the time at these sleepovers is spent out in town. he drives you two a random place every time you hang out and you spend the day there. almost 100% of your sleepovers you two pull all nighters. you stay up all night and the next day go out again. its always wild with james.
jai: sleepovers with jai are probably the best. to some people they are really boring, but to you there are everything. you hang out and have fun all day, but when it gets dark you both get ready for bed and lay close to each other. you talk about everything. any and every topic is talked about, and the best part is, you do this every sleepover. there is always new stuff to talk about and he never fails to make you happy.
luke: sleepovers with luke are... interesting.
it's hard to explain butttt there is usually a lot of pranking and wrestling and tickling involved. you definitely get a work out when luke is over if you know what I meannnnnn. but the best part is when you have run out of energy, the two of you cuddle and fall asleep in each other's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2015 ⏰

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