how he comfots you when you're stressed

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sorry I'm so inactive, I've just been really stressed and not feeling my best. But I hope you like this ❤️ilysm
Daniel: he makes you laugh. He jumps around and makes jokes. He feels so horrible when he sees you upset. He will do anything to see you smile.
Beau: Beau brings you presents. Yes, that's not what relationships are about, but when he does this it does help. He'll bring you food, stuffed animals, sometimes random stuff, anything to take your mind off of everything for a while.
James: James will catch you at any moment you are free and just sleep with you. Not in a dirty way, I mean like actually sleep. You wrap close to each other and lay there. Sometimes he even hums songs to you.
Jai: Jai will get you away from it all. He takes you somewhere that makes you happy, just to see you yourself again. It's means the world to him that you are happy with who you are and what you're doing.
Luke: Luke is seriously hugging and kissing you 24/7 when you're stressed. He almost doesn't ever leave your side and is constantly hugging you. Sometimes, he sings and plays his guitar in a room next to where you are and pretends like it isn't for you, when it is obvious he's doing it to see you smile.

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