Annual Thing You do together

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Daniel: You two always go out for a fancy dinner at least once a week. Of course, both of you not being fancy at all, go and eat some great food and stay after to mess with the super posh people around you.

Beau: You two always go out for ice cream on Tuesdays and Fridays. Your first date was at the ice cream shop on a Tuesday so, now you go very Tuesday and also Friday to celebrate getting through the week.

James: James and you made an agreement to buy each other a small surprise gift once a week. It can be anything, and you have all week to buy the other something thoughtful. You just think it is cute to see how each of you react.

Jai: Jai and you always see the sunset together. If you can't see the sunset from where you are, you go and find it. And if Jai or you is away, in a different time zone, you each take a picture of the sunset and send them to each other to show you though of them.

Luke: Luke and you don't have too many annual things but every holiday or special occasion, you made a promise to see each other

No matter what it is. Also, through the the day, everyday, you play a small game and whoever gets the most hugs from people gets a big kiss from the other. It's a silly game that doesn't really matter because even if either of you get any hugs, you kiss any ways. And you both win with a kiss. <3

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