When your sick

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Daniel: When you are sick, Daniel is with you 24/7 trying to make you laugh. Most of the time he succeeds and you laugh. Every time you are sick, Daniel is constantly cheering you up. Wether it's making you laugh, buying you something, or cuddling with you.

Beau: Beau is like your big brother when you are sick. He really is your boyfriend, but he is always asking you if you are okay, if you need something, or asking how you feel. He wraps you in loads of blankets, makes you delicious food, makes sure you take medicine every other hour. He is so sweet, even when you aren't sick.

James: Whenever your sick, you are always tired and weak. So James, cuddles with you and naps with you for as long as you need to, making sure to get up and give you your medicine when you need it.

Jai: When you are sick, all you want to do is be distracted and get your mind off of the sickness. Jai plays video games with you, board games, any type of game you want. When it comes time, he snuggles with you until you fall asleep, protected in his arms.

Luke: Luke is kinda of a mix of everything. He acts like your mom, your best friend, and your boyfriend at the same time. He entertains you and does anything you want, and during it all he gives you medicine, makes you food, asks you if your okay, and most importantly, he is constantly giving you hugs and kisses.

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