only he knows

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aye thank you guys so much, you are seriously the best ❤️

only he knows that you love when people give you nicknames. you never tell anyone that you love the nicknames they give you, because you think it's weird. daniel finds it absolutely adorable though.
he calls you babe or princess whenever he gets the chance because he knows it makes you smile.
only he knows that you love certain hugs. your favorite hugs are the ones where he hugs your torso and you hug his neck. you love the hugs that are, as you say, "the perfect amount of squeeze." that means they aren't just quick little hugs where you basically just ram your bodies into each other, but they also aren't hugs like you haven't seen them in 10 years.
only he knows that you love when people rub your arms. he knows that for some reason you just love when people gently rub over your arms, not in a sexual way though. you know you can't just ask people randomly to do that, so you just choose not to tell anyone but james.
only he knows that you are a complete freak. you are so crazy and weird at times, and that only shows when you're with jai. you love to just randomly make noises, and jai loves it so much. he thinks you're the funniest person in the world.
only he knows that you like to pretend to be psychic. you predict everything, and most of the time you're right. when you watch tv with him, you shout out what you think is going to happen. when you and luke are out in public, you always whisper to him what you think people's personalities are like. luke always gets a kick out of it and is always amazed when you're right.

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