he gets a bnrrrr ;)

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you and daniel were at the beach, on a friday night. you each laid out towels and daniel plopped down into his seat, already in his bathing suit.
you stripped off your large white tshirt, revealing your small pastel pink bikini. before heading for the water, you decided to put sunscreen on.
as you rubbed the lotion on your chest, you looked over to daniel. his eyes were planted on you, and he was obviously flustered. you laughed quietly. "that's not helping the situation," daniel sighed frustratingly, gesturing to his lower half.
you breathed out a laugh and strutted off for the water, feeling daniels gaze on your backside.
you had just woken up, on a perfect sunday morning. you threw on a nike sports bra and some athletic leggings, and headed to the backyard of you and beau's new house.

to the soothing sounds of the birds in the clusters of palm trees, you did your yoga. you later noticed that beau had woken up, and was watching you from your bedroom balcony. you smirked up at him, causing him to shyly scamper back into the house.
and just because you felt bad, you headed upstairs to continue your yoga with beau.
you and the rest of the boys were in the car on your way to a show.
the boys had one of their friends drive all of you, and his car was short one seat.
the solution, you sit on james's lap. the music was blasting, and everyone was bouncing around. you were trying not to be too rough, seeing as you were in james sensitive area.
"best friends" filled the car and you continued to sway around, that was until you felt something, a bulge to be exact, underneath you.
you looked back at james, and his face explained it all. you laughed and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, understanding his flustered state.
it was late at night and you just got out of the shower, after getting home from work. you remained in your towel -which happened to be slightly too small- and tried to stay as quiet as possible while you hurried to grab some pajamas.
you were going through your closet when you felt hands rest on your hips. you turned on your heel, to see a smirking jai.
"go to sleep." you laughed, pushing at his chest.
"well how can I sleep with this?" he questioned, gesturing to the bulge showing through his plaid pajama pants. you tilted your head playfully, and gave him a quick kiss. before he could deepen the kiss, you pushed him off and headed to change. you laughed when you heard him groaning behind you.
luke was out with his friends, so you decided to get some cleaning done. you had just put a load of laundry in, and don't have any pants to wear.
instead, you slip on lukes loose tshirt and begin vacuuming in your underwear. you had music blasting over your surround sound, causing you to bounce around to the songs.
you swayed your hips to the beat, getting really into the slow rhythm of the beyoncé song.

you jumped slightly, and your face glowed a slight pink when you spotted luke in the archway of your lounge. he was smiling playfully, and you couldn't help but smile too when he kissed you.
the kiss deepened from there, and things got really heated, soon both of you moving to the musics rhythm.

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