Person That Comforts You Throughout The Fight

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Daniel: Your best girl friends take you out to shop and have sleepovers, as if you were all 13 again, when boys had cooties. There are 3 other girls and all of them are so sweet. Only one of them has a boyfriend, but hasn't been spending time with him because she wants to be here for you. They never talk about any boys, and only want to make you happy again.

Beau: At the interview you had the day after Beau came back, Jc was flirting with you. You told him you weren't looking for a relationship right now, but did like him. Now you two hang out, talking about your recent breakups but it makes you feel better somehow. Jc has admitted he has feelings for you but promised he will wait for you. You just don't know exactly how long that wait will be.

James: As your career grows, you were sent to have an interview with the girls of Dance Moms. They all were obsessed with you and strangely, you are all becoming really good friends. Other than those adorable little girls that ask you for advice, you have your best friend. She is rarely around seeing as she has a huge job too, but she is still the only person you have.

🚨Before you read Jai's, just know that this story is not based off of their actual relationship. I know nothing about it and love both Jai and Ariana very much. Please don't comment anything about it and know that this is all fake and I don't mean to offend anyone. 🚨

Jai: Connor Franta from O2L has admitted to having a girlfriend, but still cuddles with you and talks with you because he knows how hurt you are. Your best friend, the girl who has mended your broken heart, has and always will be there for you. It sounds mean, but it makes you feel better when you heard Ariana cheated on Jai. (PLEASE DONT COMMENT ANYTHING ABOUT HER) You know you shouldn't want him, but you just want Jai to come back to you. You just hope he has a good enough reason for abandoning you.

Luke: You best friend, Jake came to visit you after he heard about all of the drama throughout the fandom. You two are really close but don't see each other as often as you want to. He treats you like a princess and as if you were his girlfriend, it isn't weird because you know he doesn't have feelings for you. He hugs you, listens to you, cuddles with you, and tries his hardest to make you smile.

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