He picks you up after practice

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Daniel: You just got done with Choir at your church for practice and Daniel came to pick you up. Your throat hurt so bad, it had started halfway through practice.

You began walking out of the church, a few feet away from Daniels car. He had the passenger seat window rolled down as he watched you walk closer to the car. Daniel attempted to sing opera extremely loud, as you go in the car silently. Everyone gave you weird stares, but hanging out with the Janoskians, your used to it by now. You sat in the car, silently as you two drove back to your house.

"Babe are you mad at me?" Daniel asked laying his hand on yours. You could barely get any noise out of your mouth. "No... I.... My th-thro-" you said quietly, your voice cracking with every syllable. "Oh sorry babe, I'll make you some tea when we get home." Daniel said holding your hand, keeping his eyes on the road. The corners of your mouth rose into a small smile at how sweet he was.

Beau: You just got done teaching a little kids cooking class, and you were so happy and in a good mood. There were 6 kids in that class, all 5-6 years old. Today, they were well behaved and a little boy had called you beautiful. He probably didn't know what he was saying really but it made you happy. Beau walked in, picking up a bag containing some materials you used. You both carried them to the car outside. "How was your day sweetie?" Beau said kissing you on your cheek. "Great! A little boy said I was beautiful. I'm sure he didn't know what it means but it was so cute." You said not being able to wipe the smile off your face. "I'm definite he knew what he was talking about. I know that every guy thinks your beautiful, they just don't say it." Beau said before starting the car. "Doubt it." You mumbled under your breath. Apparently he heard you, "if you don't believe your beautiful then I don't believe you love me." He said smirking. You giggled, "then I guess I don't love you." He gasped and pretended to cry. You laughed a little more, "no no! Don't cry, I didn't mean it! I do love you.. A lot." You smiled. Beau pretended to cry some more. "I love you too." He away and smiled.

James: you just got done with volleyball and you were absolutely exhausted. James pulled up, as close as he could so you didn't have to walk to far to the car.

You slugged your way out of the building, into the backseat of his car. You were only going to put your bag back there, but ended up throwing yourself in, laying across the back seats. James let out a little laugh and got out of the car. You were so tired you didn't even bother to shut the door behind you. Once you hit the seat, you slowly drifted off to sleep to the sound of James soft beautiful laugh, "goodnight beautiful."

Jai: You had been a gymnast since you were a toddler, it is your favorite thing to do and your are super good at it. Today at practice, you worked you butt off. You sat in the now empty locker room, and called Jai.

"(Your name) where are you. I've been waiting out here for 5 minutes." Jai laughed through the phone.

"I'm in the locker room... I need help." You whined.

"Be right there babe." He said before hanging up. You slumped down against you locker on the hard concrete floor. It lasted seconds until Jai walked in and giggling when he saw you sprawled out. You blushed a little remembering you were in a sports bra and spandex. He came over and scooped you up, giggling the entire time. You snuggled into his warm chest. "How did you do?" He asked, his voice sending a vibration through his body, making you giggle silently. "I did good, I finally got my scorpion down for my routine." You said quietly. He walked outside into the bright sun, "well we can use that tonight." He whispered and then winked at you. You playfully hit his chest and he then sat you in the passenger seat and kissed your cheek.

Luke: Soccer practice just finished and your feet smelt horrible... And you hadn't taken your shoes off yet. Luke pulled up next to the field and you jogged to his car, with your bag. You set it in the back and jumped in next to him. "Ew what's that smell?" He asked crinkling his nose. You glared at him and finished taking off your cleats and socks. You rolled down the window and stuck your feet out as he began driving off. "(Your name) you are adorable, but your feet smell like death." Luke giggled. You giggled too before giving him a playful glare.

"Looks like your having a boring night." You laughed and winked, going back to your phone. Luke let out a whine and you just laughed at him.

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