Kids Names (one) :)

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Daniel: A little girl, named Mackenzie :) she's actually a mommy's girl. But her and Daniel act like best friends and she loves hanging out with him so much.

Beau: A baby girl, named Kaitlyn. It was funny, she hated Beau at first. But now, she is practically glued in his arms.

James: A sweet little boy named Hunter. He's just like his dad, sweet, handsome, shy at first. He even looks like James. :)

Jai: You and Jai have one son, Michael. He's such a rebel. He isn't really a mama's boy or daddy's boy. He acts as if Jai is a brother and you, he treats like a princess.

Luke: Twins! It surprised you two a lot that you would have both a girl and a boy. You named your hyper little boy Chase, and your extremely girly daughter, Zoey.

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