The pet you buy together

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Daniel: Daniel wanted something kind if exotic, so you got a little bunny. It was white and had blue eyes. You named her Precious because you both thought she was absolutely perfect.

Beau: You didn't really care what kind of pet you got and Beau didn't mind as much either. So you got a dog, because that is the basic pet, yet still the perfect pet. You got a big German Shepard that always had so much energy. You named him Dorito, it was Beaus idea. ;)

James: James surprised you with your pet, he got you a hamster! You didn't have a thing for little things rats and nice but you couldn't say no. He was a little, grey, chubby hamster that was really slow yet still energetic. He never stopped moving and it was adorable how he wobbled as he walked. You didn't pick a certain name but caught yourself always calling him Sweetie.

Jai: Jai absolutely hates cats but, could still somewhat handle them. You on the other hand, adored cats. Well, most of them, you only like the little playful cats, not the big mean stuck up cats. Jai suprised you with a little white fluffy kitten. You named her Princess because she seemed like a princess would own the perfect little kitten.

Luke: You only had one dog when you were little, and Luke had only had a few dogs before as well. You and Luke picked a cute, shy, little wiener dog from a rescue center. You decided to name him Puddle because the day you go him it was raining outside and he would splash around in the puddles.

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