he comes over for dinner

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holla peopleee! okay so I have soooo much to talk about but tbh I know you all want the preference. lol if you ever want advice or like me to talk about something, you can definitely ask (that is like my favorite thing everrrr btw)!!! also do you guys have any picture requests?? like "what your child will look like" or something... comment (:
you frantically rummage through your closet, hurrying to find an outfit. your crush, daniel is coming over for dinner! suddenly, the doorbell rings. it's like an alarm telling you 'ding ding ding, your time is up.' quickly, you push through your clothes once again. then a miracle happens, and a navy blue sundress appears on top of the pile. you toss it on, messing up your curls slightly and rush downstairs. your careful not to fall down the stairs, watching your feet. but of course, you miss a step. of course on the night your crush comes over, on the night you could show him how much you like him, you fall down the stairs and push him to the floor. of course.
you two collide, landing on the floor. your eyes go wide, and your face flushes. his light chuckle surprises you, but you can't restrain the smile as he helps you up.
"aren't you in my english class?" he half smiles. you nod, speechless.
"kids, dinners ready!" your mom calls. daniel places his hand on your back and pushes you with him to the kitchen, and pulls your seat out for you. his glances and nervous smiles make your heart flutter and the mothers' conversing voices muffle, as if you and daniel were alone.
ugh. your mom invited your neighborhood over for dinner. it was memorial day, which is usually celebrated this way in your neighborhood. this year, it's your house. you barely know any of these people, except for this one kid who goes to your school, blake? braden? brock?
you leave your calculus homework (which you didn't mind leaving) and grab the white crop top and red skater skirt, and throw it on. you shove your feet into the blue converse, and quickly braid your thick hair to the side. you hear the multiple unfamiliar voices growing downstairs, and decide to be a normal human and socialize.
a lady with short curly blonde hair spots you and opens her arms for a hug. "(your name)!" she smiles warmly, and you return her hug.
sigh. this is going to be a long night.
your watching the 5 kids in the front yard when a pretty lady with dark hair comes out of her house, with two identical boys following. another boy comes running out frantically, following after his mom and brothers. that's the boy! brody? beck? brett?
he sees you studying him, and the two of you quickly look away. you go back to watching the young boy race his car, and try not to focus on the mystery guy.
"beau hunny, why don't you help (your name) out with the children?" the pretty lady smiles. gina! that's her name.
the boy nods and nervously walks over to sit on the grass next to lexi, a little red head. "hey." you hear him say quietly. "hi." you smile.
beaus about to speak again, but is interrupted by samuel. "can you go get me some juice?!" he shouts in your face. "yeah." you grit through your teeth and give one last smile to beau before heading past him.
you're pouring some juice when a voice scares you from behind. "(your name), right?" you turn to see one of the twins, and notice this one has a lip ring. you give a nod. "you know beau right?" he gives a half smirk. you nod again, suddenly more interested at the mention of his name. "he's got a thing for you. but don't tell him I told you." his smirk shows completely and he turns, disappearing into the crowd.
you watch beau from the front door, as a little girl climbs into his lap. you get a sudden rush in your chest, and your stomach does a flip. maybe this beau kid is better than you thought?
you rush to straighten the last piece of your hair and then quickly put on your elegant black dress, and your black heels. your dad and some guy from work invited you two to some fancy restaurant.
you grab your phone and clutch and rush to meet your dad in his car.

this place is amazing! everything is super white and fancy. the detail in the high ceiling holds your gaze as your dad checks you in.
the man leads you to your table, but you notice all of the tables are in twos. was your dad and his coworker gonna let you eat alone? no!
you approach two small separate tables up on a rise, separating you from the other diners. an older man is waiting for your dad, to discuss some business junk, and a younger (and much much cuter) boy at the second table is waiting for you.
he smiled to you, and as you approach he pushes the opposite chair out with his foot for you. charming. you take a seat, and he immediately begins talking. "hey, I'm james." he grins, holding out his hand. "(your name)." you take his hand, and he gently places a kiss on it. you blush, and try to hide it with sarcasm. "what a gentleman." you smirk, and he laughs.
"so, how old are you?" he asks. you are taken back by his forwardness but answer anyway. "17."
"hey, me too," he sits back as well, mockingly. "what high school do you go too?" you ask. "lincoln's, but I'm transferring soon, what about you?" he nods. "skyland's." you return. "lucky you," he grins, "that's where I'm transferring."
"yay." you force a smile, but somehow it turns into a real one.
you two ordered, and messed around a little (and by little I mean spit balls were flying from every direction).
you all walked to the parking lot together, but james called your name before you got in your car. "see ya at school on moday?" he winks. "maybe." you smile, and slide into your car.
no no no no no.
your parents are lawyers, and are inviting their new coworker and their kids over for dinner. you don't want some annoying boy running around and becoming friends with your little brother!
your just finishing up your hair when the doorbell rings. you need to change! and do your makeup! your mom said if you don't make a good impression she is gonna show up at school on monday and come in to kiss you goodbye in a miniskirt and a crop top. you can't have that happening.
you quickly scan through your closet, and grab the first dress you see. it's a small tight black dress, with a large cutout down to just above your waist in the back. you do a quick natural makeup look and are just finishing up your eyeliner when your mom calls for you. "(your name) come on!" she calls. "coming!" you shout and head out your door. you didn't even get a chance to see what you look like! you continue to run down the hall, but stop when you almost run into your 13 year old brother. you look up to him, and his eyes go wide. "woah." he states. "what's wrong?" you ask worried. "you look... hot." his face turns red. "perve." you roll your eyes and push past him. he tries to say something else to you, but you just continue to the dining room. you hear your moms voice and swing around the corner. everyone's eyes turn to you. three boys and a lady sit around the table, and your mom is still setting up the table. "hey sweetie." your mom smiles. the other lady smiles as well, and three boys look you up and down. you clear your throat, which distracts them and they quickly look down to their plate. you take your seat, and soon your brother joins you. your mom continues to talk, and you take this chance to examine the teens. one is way older, so you rule him out. one has a lip ring, which your not really into. but the last one... wow. seeing as your legs don't reach the ground on these tall chairs, you continue to swing your feet. it's a habit you have. but when your foot comes in contact with the guys knee across from you, you stop. everyone continue to talk, but he looks up at you. 'sorry' you mouth. he chuckles a little, and mouths a quick 'your fine.'
the rest of dinner, the two of you couldn't stop making awkward eye contact but you both laughed it off every time.
sadly, dinner was over and they were about to leave. you gave the two other boys and their mom a quick hug, and when you got to the boy, jai you found out his name was, he hugged you a little longer.
"call me." he whispered, and slipped a piece of paper in your hand. you gripped it in your palm as you watched him leave with his family.
your dad is making you go with him to eat dinner at your neighbors house for some neighborhood meeting. they moved in only yesterday, and you just got back from a friends house so you have absolutely no idea who or what they are. you were in your room, in your underwear, dancing to music as you put your hair into a cute low messy bun. you were headed to your closet, when you hear something. you quickly turn around, only to find out that that something was a group of chuckling boys. you squeaked and ran to close your curtains, and hear their laughter roar louder. of course the new boys are friends with tyler and josh, you're neighbors. tyler and josh aren't that annoying, unless you mix them with trouble. In fact, you are kinda best friends.
you groan and throw on your tight black long sleeve dress, remembering that those boys were wearing tuxes. hopefully everyone was dressing fancy. "let's go!" your dads deep voice shouts, and you quickly run down to meet him.

the door opens even before you reach it, and some small lady lets you guys in. you follow your dad through the crowd of adults, but can barely focus as your gaze was on the humongous house. you knew it was big from outside, but the old neighbors were snobby rich people and didn't ever talk to you.
"tyler is upstairs sweetheart." jenny, tyler's mom smiles to you. you smile back, but internally groan at the thought of facing the new boys.
without arguing, you go ahead and head up the stairs. you pass an open area where faith, a 14 year old girl, is watching all the younger kids. you hurry past, dreading the thought of spending your afternoon with a bunch of bald drooling toddlers. you pass through hall after hall, door after door, until you finally come close to the whoops and shouts of boys. you let yourself in, and all of the boys turn to you. two boys, obviously the new ones, stop and stare at you. tyler runs over and gives you a rough hug, which you just glare at him for. "oh come on, your not really mad about us seeing you in your panties, are you?" josh asks from behind tyler. you continue to glare. "hey it's not like I haven't seen that before," josh laughs and punches your arm gently. "aye me too!" tyler laughs and punches josh in his arm. josh punches back, and a few more punches are shared before you punch both of them hard in the chest. they groan and rub the spot you hit them in. "well I don't care about you guys, but I don't even know their names!" you whine and point to the twins. "luke." one states. "jai." states the other. they smirk, and you can't hold back a little smile. but when you spot little riley sitting on the bed behind the twins, you freak. "riley wasn't there too, was he?" you shout. josh walks over to him, "nah. little riles here was in the potty." he ruffles his hair. the 13 year old pounces on josh, and tyler and jai soon join in. you jump slightly when someone whispers in your ear. "I never caught your name?"
you turn to see luke, grinning. "(your name)." you smile, but sassily turn to break the boys apart, winning a laugh from luke.

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