you're pregnant

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okay so I decided that the "friends with benefits" will be the kick off to a pregnancy series!! I really wanted to do this so I hope you enjoy!! :))
daniel: it was monday morning and you had just gotten to school. you and daniel were talking last night, about how you felt different. you had occasional sickness and a strange appetite. you were certain it was just some sickness, but just to be safe you had you're friend bring you a pregnancy test. it was a lot easier for her to get one than it would have been for you. when daniel arrived at school, you headed into the bathroom and followed the instructions on the box.
two lines appeared on the stick, and your heart dropped.
you're only 17. I mean yeah, you graduate this month but still! you have a baby!
you're quiet for long enough, to where daniel starts to knock on the door. he calls your name, but no words come out. slowly, you open the door, in tears. you can see daniels eyes fall, and can tell that he knows. the two of you hold each other tight, cradling your baby between the two of you.
beau: over the past 12 weeks, you noticed your stomach had been loosing it's toned shape. you exercised extra hard, but nothing changed. it was a sunday night and you and beau were about to go to bed. you stood in front of the mirror, rubbing your bumped stomach. beau came out of the bathroom, wet hair, a towel around his waist. "I don't understand. why hasn't this gone down?" you questioned. beau glanced over, and did a double take. "are you pregnant?" he shouted quickly, and rather loud. you shook your head, but knew otherwise. "I haven't been throwing up or anything like that." you suggested. "I'm gonna go get a pregnancy test." beau noticeably began to freak out as he dressed, before he hugged you. you pulled back. you hadn't said anything.
"I'll be back in 5." beau said, before slipping out of the house.

beau was back even quicker than that, no doubt he was speeding. he laid everything in your hand and you bolted into your bathroom.
and there it was, the small stick in your hand was signaling to you that you had a small human inside of you. you exited the bathroom, still unable to speak. beau had been pacing outside the door, and immediately stopped. "we're pregnant, aren't we?" he asks. you nodded, and he held you to him, both of you attempting to steady your breathing. "we're old enough for this, right? 20 and 21, that works." beau attempted to ease your mind, which wasn't really helping. the only thing you could think about is the baby you are carrying right now.
james: it was tuesday morning and you had to drive yourself to the doctors for a gynecologist check up.
you were going to tell her about how you had missed your period, twice now. you thought about pregnancy, but you hadn't had any of the symptoms. you have always had troubles with your period, seeing as you were a small girl.
you got settled in, the doctor setting everything up. within a few minutes, the awkwardness began. she did her thing, but then suddenly stopped. she looked up at you, and the two of you exchanged worried glances.
"is there any chance you could be pregnant?" she asked. out of worry and fear, you quickly stated, "no." tears pricked your eyes, and the woman began setting up an ultra sound thingy off to the side. you cried softly, waiting for an answer to erupt. you kept your eyes closed, and attempted to calm yourself down.
and then there it was, your baby's heartbeat. "I'm only 17." you cried quietly. "there's always aborti-" the woman began. you quickly cut her off, "kill my baby?"
she sighed, and grabbed your purse from the chair. "is there someone you need to call?" she asked.
you nodded, and dialed james's number through blurred eyes.
jai: it was a few weeks later, at 4 in the morning when jai called you.
"(your name) can I come over?" he asked quickly.
"um, yeah. I'm home alone. are you wanting what I think you want?" you ask, slightly annoyed.
"no but that's what we need to talk about."
jai rushes into your room, and sits down next to you. you cuddled back under your covers, and had just gotten comfortable.
"I wasn't protected." jai stated, rather worried.
"you mean like in soccer or tennis or some sport?" you asked, scared of the meaning behind his words.
"no. like us. 2 weeks ago."
your mind instantly began flooding with memories from that night, and wrapping up wasn't one of them. you face palm yourself and sigh loudly. "I'll get a test tomorrow." you breath. "but-" he began. "no jai." you gritted, laying down and holding back tears. jai laid down beside you and curled his arm around your hip, the two of you silently worrying.

the next morning you woke up to a test on the side of your bed, your window open allowing sunlight to spill in, and you could smell something sweet in the kitchen.
you headed to the bathroom, and did as instructed.
the two lines blurred in tears, but you weren't sure if they were tears of joy or sadness. you know you're young, and you know that you still graduate this year, but you know you're mom won't exactly be mad and you've always wanted a baby. a knock on the door distracts you from your thoughts, and jai walks in slowly. you smile, involuntarily. "we're pregnant!" you say quietly. jai clears his throat, and it's obvious he is bombarded with thoughts as well.
but the tight hug you shared, squeezes many of them away.
luke: it was 6 a.m. on a monday. your alarm went off, but that's not what woke you. last nights dinner rose in your throat and emptied itself into you small trash bin. luke had stayed the night last night, and was quickly by your side. he held your hair back, rubbing up and down your spine. you finally felt finished and sat back, against lukes chest. "has this happened before?" luke asks quietly. "the other morning." you sniffle. "why don't you stay home today, and I'll stay with you." luke rubbed your arm. you nodded and he helped you back up into your bed. "I'll go call your dad and tell him."

you woke up about 3 hours later, and the first thing that met your tired gaze was the box on your bedside table. a pregnancy test.
that never came to your mind, being pregnant.
the thought of having a baby didn't scare you. in fact, you've been wanting a baby for a while now. you didn't plan to have one the same year you graduate, but if that's what happens you wouldn't hate yourself for it.
and that's just what happens, you and luke are having a baby the year you graduate. instead of the tears and cries you expected, luke smiled as well. a baby has always been something you dreamed of having together, and the sooner the better... I guess.

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